All Loans
7 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

So, I figured the "main" category for Pocket Camp could be All Loans (As in, all loans for the camper upgrades).

Now, since the game just came out (And is only officially available in Australia as a "soft launch"), not much is known about the game, and the different things available in it.

It'll probably be a while before we know how many camper upgrades there are, and how much they cost.

The first upgrade expands the room on the first floor of the camper, and you have to pay 10,000 bells before you can do the next expansion. I know you can get a 2nd floor as well, so maybe you can expand that too? Who knows.

Editado por el autor 7 years ago
grntsz les gusta esto
Pennsylvania, USA

Also, just a side note, My Nintendo rewards and microtransactions will not be allowed for obvious reasons. You can straight up redeem platinum points on My Nintendo for bells (100 platinum points for 5000 bells), and you can do it as many times as you want.

I don't think anyone wants to have to pay money every single run, or have to use My Nintendo platinum points that they just might not have to even stand a chance at getting a good time.

Now, you ¤will¤ be allowed to link your Nintendo account for the 100 Leaf Ticket stretch goal (Which you can probably do multiple times if you unlink your account/delete your save file), and all other Leaf Tickets obtained through normal play will be allowed as well.

Editado por el autor 7 years ago
Estadísticas del juego
Últimos hilos
Publicado 7 years ago
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