Considering doing an 100% speedrun but...
1 year ago
United States

Hey all, I am a new twitch streamer and a completionist. I am currently working on 100% every AC game in the series and I am on Rogue right now. When I get to AC Odyssey, I am planning on doing a normal 100% run and in NG + I have been thinking of doing my first 100% speedrun of AC Odyssey. This will likely not be an optimal run as I don't know of any optimal time saving strategies but I will be skipping through dialogue and cutscenes and trying to get through objectives as fast as possible. This run will be segmented as I wont be able to do the full 100+ hr stream in one run. What I want to know is I noticed that this website doesnt have a 100% category for ac odyssey, could I still submit my 100% run for AC Odyssey or would it be better to upload the whole thing on youtube?

I should state it may take me a year or 2 before I go for this and I am still debating on whether or not to go for this but if I do it will be after I 100% every AC game before odyssey, and after I do my first 100% run of odyssey to unlock NG +. Any feedback is appreciated.

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United States

Go for it. The main issue is that I'm not sure if 100% is well-defined, and I don't think there is a good way of tracking it for verification purposes.

United States

I am planning on limiting myself only to base game content so no dlc or the tales thing they added post launch. What I consider to be required for 100% is doing all main quests, all side quests, all locations, defeating all cultists, all legendary hunts, all mythological creatures, all ominostroka (the hidden treasure thing, forgot what it is called) and I am going to try and get all legendary item in the game. I will at the very least be uploading my segmented run to youtube but I am unsure if I can send it to since this website doesnt have a 100% category just any% and odyssey%.

United States

Mods can easily add categories. That's not an issue. The only thing is that there needs to be a good way of tracking it.

United States

I have a very OCD way of playing where I like to clear an area for each main quest I do once I get past Kephalonia and Megaris that is. If I do go for this run it wont be like I will be going to different locations and regions randomly I do play in a specific order. I suspect you mean it will be difficult for the mods to track tasks in what may be 50ish part segmented run which I do understand as some people may not have the patience to sit through a livestream that long. Again it will be a couple years before I decide to do this but I have time to communicate with the mods on this website to help me determine whether or not I should do this and how I should do this.

Editado por el autor 1 year ago
Baltimore, MD, USA

just letting u know this run your hypothetically would do if you feel like it would be 100% segmented run as u said u wouldn't be able to play odyssey for 100+hrs even if you did do island hop sense the game is so big and u did no dlc or any post launch content. Also you do realize to submit runs it has to be a yt vid link or a twitch vod. note if your doing segmented you would submit the playlist of all the videos in the segment

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