Discussion of the regulation
10 months ago

Hi.I have been a moderator since last April. (Because the previous moderator disappeared and my first run was not approved.)

We would like to discuss the current regulations, mainly with regard to platform.The game can be played on several platforms, including XNOX 360, XBOX ONE and emulators, but as you know, there are clear load time differences between the various platforms. (Also difference of storage)

I propose the following proposal. I would like to ask the views of the runners on this.

・The platforms can be any XBOX platform.

Also approve runs on emulators for the respective platforms.

・To compensate for the differences in load times between platforms, the leaderboard ranking will be changed to IGT; IGT will be based on the clear time displayed after the game is cleared. (Moderators will still need to check that all missions do not contain restarts that start over from the beginning).

welcome your opinions on the above suggestions. I hope to become a more active community.


New moderators are also required.

The requirement is for users with at least submitting two runs before 30 April 2024. If you wish to apply, please contact us individually. Granting will take place once a consensus has been reached on the new regulations.

Thank you.

Editado por el autor 10 months ago
Colorado, USA
Super moderadorStarPilot87
Any/All, He/Him, They/Them
10 months ago

I am absolutely for allowing emulated runs to be submitted. Using IGT is a good choice since it normalizes times between systems. Does make efficient menuing less impactful, but efficient menuing also requires to not have any DLC skins so that you don't have to waste time skipping over planes you aren't using. Personally I don't want to mess with going through my download history all the way back to 2007 to redownload skins I like using casually, especially since the 360 online services are in question at this time. Who knows how long Microsoft will keep XBox live for 360 operational with the closing of the marketplace this summer. For example the original XBox live service was completely terminated around the same time the "blades" home menu was changed to the current iteration.

Su_Ken les gusta esto

Thanks for your comment! I don't yet have a complete understanding of the behaviour of the emulator, but should record the run in the emulator environment so that I can see the operational input? For example, not inputting multiple directions with the analogue stick at the same time. I think it is easy to disclose the operation input for emulator runners. (For example, this site: https://gamepadviewer.com/)

We haven't found any glitches in the emulator environment yet, but until they are clarified, I agree with the idea of putting them together on the same leaderboard.

Editado por el autor 10 months ago

For now, I would like to change the rules to the following. Unless there are any additional comments, the changes will take effect on May 20th. Those who have applied to become moderators will also be granted privileges on the same day.

Platforms other than XBOX360 will be approved. (Emulators are included.) For emulator runs, we will require a record of controller input operations. (To distinguish operations that cannot be performed on the actual game console. Recording method is optional.)

Game leaderboards will be changed to be based on in-game time.

Runners must include in their recording the cumulative time displayed in the results after the ending.

Mie, Japan

In my opinion, emulators and actual devices should be in separate categories. As an image, here is the page for acecombat5

Su_Ken les gusta esto

Thank you for your comment! Please tell us about why you think it is necessary to separate it. We need to discuss about the concerns you feel you have!

Mie, Japan

I don't know the actual loading speed, but if the emulator is faster and the record is broken, some players may not want to use the emulator. I myself have no desire to use the emulator, so I think we could have a separate category.


After checking with the emulator community, I was informed that in AC6 the frame rate is related to the speed calculation of aircraft. In a high frame rate situation it reaches its maximum speed faster and stalls faster.

This game normally runs at 30 fps, but emulators can also play at higher frame rates. (Of course, V-sync can be used to fix the frame rate to 30 fps for a fairer environment.)

To be honest, I think it is difficult to objectively determine from the recorded video that the run is running at 30 fps. I agree with setting emulator runs in a separate category.

If you have any thoughts on that please share it with us!


Thank you all for your comments. The following changes have been made today

・StarPilot87 has agreed to participate in my call for moderators, which I posted in a previous this forums! Best regards.

・Addition of non-XBOX360 platforms.

・Addition of an emulator run category. The following rules are in place to accommodate the development of the community later on.

  • Record the controller inputs. (Any method is acceptable).

  • The game must be running at 30 fps.(Proof of running at 30 fps is required.)

We will decide if we want to merge the categories when we have more runners.

Editado por el autor 9 months ago
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