Verrifyer applacation!
29 days ago

so im tired of verifying like every week so i opened this applacation. give me your online time and reason and i might accept it (Ends at summer)

I am online the majority of the day, I am very much prepared to be one of the verifiers of this game, the reason I am applying is because it takes too long for runs to get verified, even if there are only a small ammount of runs waiting to be approved, I wish my application to be accepted, as I want the greater good for this game, and to reduce the long times for runs to get accepted

Editado por el autor 23 days ago
Redwinningsmile les gusta esto

Hi, I would like to apply for this application because there is not much moderators and sometimes it takes a long time to verify runs.. like my run that took over 10-15 days to get verified, I Will try to contribute to this community, i am online through 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM GMT +8, i will not be online if i have something to do but i'm always online frequently, thanks for taking you time and goodbye

Editado por el autor 27 days ago
Redwinningsmile les gusta esto
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WR OF DEATH% BY "tehafuny" NOW IMPOSSIBLE TO BEAT! (outdated)

Due to unskippable cutscenes, The WR is now impossible to beat

We don't know how to resolve this but we'll try to.

Resource: "moshi_kat" on forums

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