Proposing new categories
1 year ago

This is a proposal for a new category.

All Levels uses glitches, but what about categories that don't use them?

This is my record.

Ontario, Canada

I am not opposed to the idea, though I think there should be some discussion for what is and isn't a glitch.

For example, if you use the rocket boost immediately at the beginning of the level it won't use any kiadama. You do this in your run at 12:35, where you start the level with 6 but remain at 6 after using the first boost, getting 4 boosts total before running out. I feel like this is definitely a glitch, though I wouldn't want any category that restricts it, since it would be hard to avoid doing, and annoying to verify.

Maybe "No Major Skips" or "No Out of Bounds" might be a better name for the category.


Thank you for your reply.

I was not aware of any problems with the rocket boost.

As you say, glitchless is not appropriate.

Personally, I prefer "No Out of Bounds".

Ontario, Canada

I added No Out of Bounds as a variable for all levels and added your time. I haven't added one for Any% yet as the current route does not use any out of bounds exploits though will do so if that changes.


Appreciate. Thank you.

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Publicado 1 year ago
4 respuestas