Skipping cutscenes in Any%
What are people's thoughts on skipping cutscenes in full game runs. I believe they add over an hour to the run (please correct me if I am wrong).
- It make the run less daunting and boring when you grind it over and over
- More likely to attract new players
- It allows for smaller file sizes when recording rather than streaming
- Slower PCs can actually crash on the opening cinematic, adding another barrier to entry
- Splicing becomes easier. (though, with so many loading screens and fade outs, it may not matter one way or the other)
I think it is worth allowing skipping of cutscenes, at least right now when the community is miniscule. As an alternative to a strict rule one way or the other, it could also be that skipping is fine if the play is livestreamed. I'm not sure if that is something we could verify, but I like the idea at least.
As of right now, the rules are silent on this issue, which I suppose means skipping the cutscenes is allowed.
You can skip cutscenes in a run. Though timer only stops on loading screens. But there is no rule that you have to watch every cutscene.
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