50 - Cyber Owls in 16m 33s 133ms by

hey! octavio, how's it been man? dude it's been so long. how are you liking chicago? i hope you got out of the humboldt park area. not that you can't handle yourself haha. i just worry about you is all. we all do ya know? wish you'd pick up the phone sometime and let us know how everything is. guin has been busy. lotta work in moscow trying to interfere as much as possible with the war and all. you know her. married to her work at this point. can't remember the last time i got to meet up with her. engle liked the congo so much she became a mercenary down there. tried asking about her pro bono work disrupting all that trafficking going on in between the everyday sectarian violence, but she doesn't talk much about it. i don't push her on it ya know?

anyway dude, i've been in the Tai Pak Floating Restaurant helping with its grand reopening. my mentor, he's been teaching me how to make my signature dish. i call it sorrowful rice. it's the best bbq pork you'll ever have tasted, i promise! i call it sorrowful b/c it reminds me of the best years of my life i had with you all. you remember when we took out the hawk commander in antarctica? you couldn't stand how cold it was! but now you're up in chicago with that view of lake shore drive right next to lake michigan and i swear, when i went there to visit you, i couldn't for the life of me figure out how you dealt with the winds until we went up 80 floors and saw the view. after that i knew why you decided to stick around. that's what sorrowful rice is. you just take rice and make it glisten white. you put on top of it all the warm things you love and you can't stop looking at it.


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50 - Cyber Owls
16m 33s 133ms
In-Game Time
16m 33s 133ms
15 days ago
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  • Mortol
  • Warptank
  • Rail Heist
  • Rock On! Island

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