Cheated WR for Gameover?
1 year ago

Hey! just the other day I became interested in this category and noticed a comment on the current WR (9.183 by nyossu) video that reads:


You're macroing restarts and checking the footage later. That's why the audio queue for the run being over then restarted have the exact same cadence at the exact same timing.

Have you also inputted your drops frame-perfectly?

The "continue to next round" reaction that you have is one that has never been seen throughout history.

How many people do you know that have gotten a WR on an upcoming title and insta-clicked "redo"?

I'm no expert on the game but the evidence seems compelling. The setup before the actual run looks like just spamming A without resetting when you know the run is dead, and as pointed out the sequence of inputs after failing is the exact same in both instances showed in the video.

Should it be removed?

Hiroshima, Japan

I looked at the input frame by frame and there was a very slight discrepancy between the two executions. Also, the timing of the crap drop was not perfect. So it was difficult to determine from this video that it was a cheated.

I am not good at English, so it is possible that I do not understand the meaning of the comments in this video perfectly, but for the time being, I will not be removed.

If my interpretation is wrong, please tell me and tell me in simple English.

(use DeepL translate)


Ah I see! that's interesting they aren't actually frame-perfect, I just checked for myself and saw that the second time there's 6 extra frames before pressing the button. The discrepancy could maybe be explained by a strange sequence of inputs the runner chose for the macro? or perhaps that the macro itself is flawed due to some sort of hardware issue, or maybe a framerate difference making the intervals inconsistent.

A 6 frame difference is significant though, I'm not sure it's reasonable to deduce that anything I mentioned would cause a gap that large. The video does seem very strange to me, it would be nice to have assurance that the run is legit, if the runner is willing to provide an explanation of the strange things in the video, or a full session video or live stream, or something like that. I respect your decision though! I wouldn't want to discredit someone without certainty :) thank you very much for the quick reply!! Thank you for moderating this game :) and have a good day!!

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