My main issue with only having Expert Logic is that you are /required/ to know various clips & skips
This is a high barrier of entry for anyone looking to do runs, particularly as far as SADX and SA2 are concerned. Shadow to a lesser extent with weaponsanity, but maybe in the future with vehiclesanity will this issue start to be more relevant
Having Normal Logic boards would be very nice, as skips & clips become optional making this kinda run very accessible to anyone and not dependent on resetting for rng to even be able to finish a run in the first place.
I am also of the opinion that each game should have their own boards as sharing one is kinda cramped with the possibilities. Obv multi-game runs should still have a board. But Individual character/style boards would be huge as I am very much interested in running Knuckles only & hunting only max sanity settings. (I would feel comfortable running Expert logic for those) And I am sure others might have this sentiment towards the other 5 characters & speed/mech
For normal logic. if enough interest for it is shown, a universal YAML and a board could be considered. As for individual character runs i feel like that somewhat defeats the purpose of the run. At that point why not just play your individual story of choice with the stage order shuffled? it would serve pretty much the same purpose. For the foreseeable future it isnt planned to be supported by the leaderboard as there are categories that exist that would be pretty much the exact same. Risen Dark Story from the SA2B: Fallen Hero leaderboard would be my biggest example of that. Due to it for the most part being every hunting stage in the game shuffled out of order.
That would not include any checks at all, which is the purpose of a run of Archipelago. Looking at the current yamls, it's lacking things like enemysanity (i understand why) which is what I would propose & assume for character specific runs which radically change how they are played. And that is absolutely nothing like whatever "Risen Dark Story" is