Running from wild battles
3 months ago
New Jersey, USA

not allowing running from wild battles loses time. why is this a rule? it also can hinder the player later on in the run if risk value isn't rewarded lategame. running is a core mechanic of the game and i need clarification why this isn't allowed even if it ends up losing time.

is there some kinda glitch that can be abused with run away with Wave 200?

if not i don't see any reason to ban running away from wild encounters if the time save it by chance unless using a run away pokemon and using set battle style. i feel it only improves and advances strategies. you cannot run away from things too much otherwise you'd lose out on potential exp required to beat the final boss.

so i feel not allowing the ability to run away from pokemon hinders progress and holds back the speedgame in general.

Editado por el autor 3 months ago
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

I feel like running is the same as skipping the gameplay. You can easily exploit it with a singular rattata. Still you would lose soon or later because of the level difference between the trainers and your pokes.

Imo this will bring the game down to "which pokémon you can exploit the best without playing the game". But idk, I feel like there can be a category that allows you to run from battles with run away.

REVERSAL y golderzoa les gusta esto
United States

Running is sigma, way better than clicking the strong move button :yawn:

golderzoa les gusta esto
New Jersey, USA

just gonna break all the classic records LOL. like a true sigma

Editado por el autor 3 months ago