9 months ago
Stockholm, Sweden

I dont like that getting the boss stuck behind a pillar counts as a glitch. Dont get me wrong, it is one. But at the very least it should be clarified. Maybe putting a 10 second limit on it instead. Its either that or judge on a case by case basis.

Massachusetts, USA

That's why it's allowed in the restricted and unrestricted categorys not glitchless. ​

If you watch someone doing it it's very clear if it's intentional or not

Like dodge rolling to avoid getting hit by her

Editado por el autor 9 months ago
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

It's not a glitch, still, we are exploiting the bosses' mechanics by doing that, that's why we accept it within the Restricted category and we still use glitches.

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Result of the Poll to Allow Lifmunk or not

The result of the poll ran on Discord regarding what should happen in runs that Lifmunk's /クルリス ability is used in a way that relies on good PCs/hardware has concluded and it was decided that:

**Outside of UNRESTRICTED runs, Lifmunk/クルリス abusing is banned until further notic

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