Should "Cosmetic mods" be allowed in speedruns ?
17 days ago

This questions been asked multiple times in discord. Originally I wanted to keep it vanilla which assures for the most part that things are leveled and there won't be any unintended effects.

Normally mods are only ever be allowed in speedrunning, if it fall under one of this category: fixes game-breaking bugs, optimizes the game more, and just in general makes the game more accessible and enjoyable to play by improving performance..etc.

Because the runs are not in the optimal level state I will verify current farnham's run. And from now on these are the rules that you should follow:

  • Cosmetics mods must be made in Unreal Engine 5 and does not use third party tool such as Mod Loader..etc.
  • The mods of outfit recolors are allowed and safe. Example 1 / Example 2
  • The HUD change of HP UI to bring back the classic NGII feel are allowed
  • Original Ryu skin (NGII DLC) such as Shadow Walker and Biometal (Fiend Doppleganger from Ultimate Ninja03 mission) costume are they only acceptable skin swap since it shares the same hitboxes as NGII
  • All other mods are strictly banned

I am not planning open anymore flood gates to risk any unintended side effects for the game. These are more than enough to let PC players enjoy the game.

Editado por el autor 17 days ago
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The patch has finally arrived. The waiting period we had has made a lot of new development about the game such as mods, frame rate..etc. Let's check out over the changes we've made to the boards:

1. The addition of NG+ This is similar to Original NGII with all equipment available at the start (

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