Moding downpatched version
8 days ago
United States

I was just wondering if there is anyway to mod a downpatched version of lethal company. I went from version 64 to 50, I couldn't figure out how to get my mod manager to select the downpatch instead of the actual one. If there is no way to do it, then oh well, but if you can, please tell me.


There might be actually a way but i'm not sure for everything. I know that you can download any version of a mod. So if the mod existed in the version you want, you can get it. (Vr company is the best example because it write the version of the mod and the version of game it goes to) to get the version, go to the mod in a browser (i never tried with thunderstore app) try to find the "version" tap at the top and scroll down to see the version you can download. I think you can only manually download here. But i never tried it so i can't help you here.

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