Announcing Changes to the Cities Skylines II Speedrunning Rules, Your Feedback Wanted!
7 months ago
United States

Hello, I am KillIt, a Cities Skylines II speed runner, along with being the newest supermod on the team. As a runner, I’ve always had my gripes with how things are done around here, so as a supermod, I will be enacting some changes. I understand I can’t run things alone, so if you are interested in this topic like I am, please voice your opinions on these changes so we can take other people's viewpoints into consideration.

  1. Runs are no longer required to be livestreamed. Video proof is required.

  2. Runs no longer have to be run on the latest patch.

  3. Runs are no longer allowed to be run on custom maps. All currently verified custom map speedruns will stay on the leaderboard.

  4. The empty categories of 500k and 250k will be removed.

  5. A new permanent Discord link will be made and shared.

If you are a runner of this game and disagree with any of the changes, reply to this post so your voice can be heard. If a community consensus is reached, we can revert or make further changes.

United States

Official Permanent Discord Link:

Śląskie, Poland

I personally agree with those changes!


I believe that timing should start with the first input you make to the game (camera movement, click etc.) instead of on the first frame after you load in.

I am, of course, biased because this determines whether or not I got a sub 5 minute run in 1k%

United States

There is actually a reason timing starts immediately, the RCI Demand goes up as time passes, so if you afk for 2 minutes then start the run, your RCI bars will be full, leading to things happening faster. As as speedrun, we want to complete the runs asap so sitting around for 2 minutes waiting for RCI to max out before starting the build feels like it goes against the goals of speedrunning itself. It may be possible that the RCI filling is visual only, but no one has actually tested that so we assume the game isnt lying to us.


I think the Any% category should remove all the people who played before the Economy 2.0 patch, as the conditions were very different from today, before you could achieve the goal by using a game flaw (which it wasn't well balanced) and now you can't.

And putting on the same list people who have played in different conditions doesn't seem fair to me. So the world record (with the current conditions) would be BigKnoop with 7h 15 and not the other 12 players who do it with between 3 and 6 min.


i think the categorey shouldnt be removed but more archived as a pre 2.0 category just because they arent possible now doesnt mean they werent possible then just make a new category for 2.0 and keep the old one but rename it

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