Publicado 7 months ago por

Hello runners, and welcome to our big changes!

Hello everybody! I'm the new moderator and I've made some changes around here.

What changed?

  • New page background image.
  • More detailed informations regarding rules and whatsoever for all categories.
  • Custom Mode with unique challenges.
  • Added subcategories for the Tower Mode.

Custom Mode:

This game now has the Custom Mode!!!

You can go see the leaderboard over the "Level" category of this page, there are written instructions and everything you need to know to classify.

Also, if you think tht there could be other/more levels for the custom mode, you can suggest by opening a thread or by contacting us mods!

Tower Mode:

Now the Tower Mode has subcategories for reaching every 10th floor.

This is made both for making it easier for competing, but also to concentrate more on a certain part.


As always, for any detail, information and any perplexity you can either open a thread or contact us!

And now, have a good speedrun!

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Estadísticas del juego
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New Categories!

Hello everybody! I'm the new moderator and I've made some changes around here.

  • New page background image.
  • More detailed informations regarding rules and whatsoever for all categories.
  • [Custom Mode](
7 months ago
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Publicado 6 months ago
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Publicado 1 year ago
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