2 Player Games Series and Discord
There's a series on speedrun.com for 2 Player Games and this game would fall under that series. Also there is a discord server for the 2pg series and you should join if youre interested in this game https://discord.gg/JvkrYxn5jJ
grntsz les gusta esto
I submitted a support ticket to add it to the series (edit: they accepted it 20 minutes later)
Editado por el autor
Epicbluebrickman228 y grntsz les gusta esto
Full game categories added and 2 player category has been added to ILs
10 Games, 20 Games and 30 Games have been added to the full game categories
2 player category has been added to ILs
Corridas recientes
Nivel: Spin War
Nivel: Tic Tac Toe
Nivel: Ballgames Physics
Nivel: Ballgames Physics
Nivel: Ballgames Physics