Any% - No RNG Manipulation in 7h 55m 10s by
MesenRTA 0.0.7
V is possibly the worst. So many min rolls. So many back attacks. So many run fails. Also 99MP at level 18 was just mean. Going with v from now on, first tried the Key run and both Charlock dives in practice with that name.
Failed Key run once - probably should've restarted with v but ah well.
Failed sword dive SEVEN times before giving up and grinding the next level and trying again. Died another time, but finally made it after that.
Made it to DL 2/3 dives at 18. Made it to DL 1/3 dives at 19. Charlock was just a terrible place to be for this run :(
I hope I can improve this, but I need to make sure to use PRG0 next time and a better name.
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