I've been wondering about this for a long time, but why runners convert the decimal value displayed on the game screen to milliseconds displayed on this site?
For example in 60hz, the next frame of 3.59 is 4.00, but runners submit these records as 3s 590ms and 4s 000ms.
It’s a requirement when you submit a run, if you type in 6.59 it’ll ask “6.059 or 6.590” and you have to select one.
It's just for convenience sake, the in-game timer should be accurate for all devices according to our testing, which is why IGT is used instead of RTA on the boards. And converting "3.59" to "3.983" would just make the simple submission process unnecessarily complicated
Drive Mad has been updated (exclusively on Poki) to have 100 new levels and an in game timer. There will be new categories for the new version, since it has an in-game timer and changes some of the first 100 levels. The last 100 levels will be added. Happy running!
Update: it has come to my attenti