The future of Drakens Värld
6 years ago
Stockholm, Sweden

Hi! So today i discovered something terrible on the Barnkanalen website where the game is hosted. In the top description for all of the games on the page it states that some games use the older technology flash (e.g. Drakens Värld) and probably will be removed in the future but they will be available for the time being.


press f to pay respects :'(

Halland, Sweden

Does anyone know of a way to grab games like these of the site and download them? Is there a way of doing that?

If that isn't possible, maybe someone or a few people could try to recreate the game. In that case we should try to document as much of the game as possible.

Stockholm, Sweden

I belive it is possible to download flash games but i am not sure, another possibility is contacting SVT about the issue and our community. Their email is: if anyone is interested in contacting them.

Stockholm, Sweden

Spelet finns på & efter lite research, håller på med att försöka skapa en offline kopia

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Stockholm, Sweden

Okay guys just downloaded the files and uploaded them to

If anyone is interested in making a desktop application (Using something like electronjs and pepper flash (maybe?)) i would love to help!

Blekinge, Sweden

Sorry for necroposting, but I just wanted to say that I have added Drakens värld to BlueMaxima's Flashpoint (, a preservation project for webgames. So it can be played through that (offline) after SVT takes it down. It's not in the current version (6.1) but should be included in the next.

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