2 other claims to 5.51?
7 years ago
New Brunswick, Canada

so, I know I post a lot of stuff here, but I never saw this before so here it is. scroll down to page 6 and it says the high score for dragster is 5.51, and there is 3 people with it, their names are there as well http://www.ataricompendium.com/game_library/high_scores/activisions_scoreboards.pdf

Waxy likes this
New Brunswick, Canada

I understand 5.57 is the best time, but the article I have linked says 5.51 in it, so I linked it to show the other claims to having a 5.51

Edited by the author 7 years ago

Interesting thing.

I find nothing with William A. Stewart but with the other name, Kevin Kopaczewski, I found this : http://www.ataricompendium.com/game_library/high_scores/high_scores.html

« 2 other people were recognized for 5.51 by Activision prior to Rogers, in the Activisions December 1982 V5 newsletter - William A. Stewart and Kevin Kopaczewski (Rogers was recognized in the Spring 1983 V6 issue). Rogers claims the other 2 times were DQ'd by Activision but the 7th and final issue simply doesn't have a listing for Dragster. Koziel tracked down Kopaczewski and asked him what he recalled about his score, but all he remembered was having a sensitive joystick. »

Why nobody talks about them ? It looks like they have been dropped.

Chef likes this

Because the 2 other people is a fraud. I am the true WR holder and I really do get 5.51. Are you mad? Then, stay mad.

Cheshire, England

is... is this the real todd?

Tasmania, Australia

This can not be the real Todd Rogers

Tasmania, Australia

Oh never mind the account was made 18 hours ago, obviously a meme account


Yet again, more denial over this man's incredible achievements. /s

Alsace, France

Are there still people thinking that 5.51 is possible? I thought Omnigamer had buried all that

Ontario, Canada

@SickMyDuck This is a real necro post, all of these are from two months ago.