Current timesaves for All Achievements
Current timesaves for All Achievements
Updated 2 years ago by wiwu
  1. In the first room, collect all coins and pretzels, but remember that the trigger for the next voiceline is on the steps in the publicity and liaisons room. ignore the pretzel on the door until you've triggered the voice line.

  2. In the backstage room, you can ignore the broom and pretzel next to the garage door, and instead opt for the table voiceline skip that is used in any% after collecting the rest of the coins and pretzels. You have a chance to take care of the remaining broom and pretzel at the end of the game.

  3. In the lighting room, immediately pull the switch before collecting everything.

  4. In wildlife preparation, pull the switch before immediately opening the door, then pressing the button as you would normally, which leaves enough time to gather everything else.

  5. Weather control is normal, you can collect the pretzel behind the door to the elevator room early but it doesn't really matter ultimately.

  6. In the elevator room, I'd recommend making it all the way to the lever before doubling back and collecting everything. After getting past the counterweight, the next few coins are pretty hard to spot, so it's important to have some reference as to where they are.

  7. High concept miscellaneous interactions is a bit wild, but it starts off at the door. You can collect the pretzel and knock down the broom early by crouching and just spam clicking in the general area, near the bottom right corner of the door.

  8. Once you get in, walk straight to the number pad. I personally only grab the one copper coin that's near the final step on the way, just because it becomes really difficult to find and collect on the way back. Start pressing numbers as soon as you can, then collect everything in the room.

  9. There's not much to this, I'd say it's important just to know the order that the phones ring. Also, none of the numbers really matter, but try to spam near the 9 key, as it's the only one that needs to be clicked quickly.

  10. During the explosion sequence thingy, you can double back as soon as the narrator says "there, that's good".

  11. Once everything's all done, double back and collect the rest of the pretzels and coins on the stairwell.

  12. Knock over the broom and eat the pretzel that you left behind earlier in the run, and then crouch near the center of the garage door to eat the pretzel behind the door early.

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THE DR LANGESKOV BOUNTY: ends april 30th at 11:

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