2024 In Browser
Updated Cheggjon
by Pre Route Notes:
- Coins are very important, get as many as possible in as few flying cycles as possible
- This route has the potential of getting Swimming 110 in one cycle (44). Shoot for at least two cycles of 22k
Flying 20
-Buy Max Level 30
Flying 30
-Buy Max Level 40
Climbing 37 (9k+) (Safest bet with 131 Swimming)
Flying 40
- Buy ML 50
Flying 50
Running 50 (10k)
12+ Energy
Scot 1
Scot 2
- Buy ML 80
Flying 70
Buy ML 80
Buy ML 90
Flying 90
Running 90 (8k)
Energy 22
Scot 3
- Buy ML 110
Swimming 110 (44k)
England 1
England 2
- Buy ML 150
Flying 150
Swimming 131 (8k+)
Running 150 (12k)
Eat all the seed you can afford (Do not go past 60)
England 3
Eat to energy 60
Recent runs
Level: Flying 150
Level: Climbing 150
Level: Swimming 150
Level: Flying 150
Level: Running 150
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