Donkey Kong Land
I've been testing all the GB emulators (since it hasn't been done in a little while, and new emulators have popped up) and have compiled all my results.
-gambatte and bgb are still totally legal. -Bizhawk is still legal, but seems to load slightly slowly for some reason -All other windows emulators are banned(VBA, sameboy, Retroarch, VBA-M) -All MAC emulators are banned (If someone has a setup they think is correct, for any emulator, please contact me so I can review the videos on this. I'd really love to find -any- accurate mac emu) -All hardware standards are fine (SGB1 still have to have it's time converted though) -{PAL GBP remains untested and I hear it's weird.}
The emulator results, with links to the raw video files, can be found here:
Let me know if anyone has any concerns or objections with this.