i need help......
6 years ago
Texas, USA

It sounds like you're struggling with Main Menu Mode in the 1 Kong route, is there a specific part that's giving you trouble? MMM is a long, complex trick with many parts to it and I would rather not write a super long post for you to dig through if there's only one part giving you problems :)

Texas, USA

(Assuming you're getting back to the main menu after tagging W3) There are a few things that you want to make sure you're doing:

  • You're examining your file upon returning to the main menu after gameplay. This is done by going into the file screen (where it shows game percentage, kongs unlocked, playtime, GBs collected), and then going back to the main menu. This loads your file into memory and ensures that the game pulls you into this file after MMM.

  • You want to be entering Multiplayer before the final fadeout point (4:26). You should be able to make this easily before 3:25, but just in case.

  • After entering Factory Boss, you'll want to wait on the main menu screen. There are 10 "events" which can happen on the main menu screen, 7 of them pull you into the file, 3 of them will not pull you into the file (DK Shaking his leg, main menu turning to night, main menu starting to rain. If you get the first one of these 3, then just wait in the main menu screen for another event to happen in the main menu. If you get the night/rain event, then you'll want to enter a sub-menu (eg. Mystery Menu), then back out to the main menu again to refresh the main menu, and then wait for another event to occur. What event you get is unfortunately entirely down to RNG.

Not sure if that covered one of your issues. If not, if you have a video of your gameplay that you can post, then we'll be able to know what your problem is for sure.

Enjoy Any% :)

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