N64 Only category?
6 years ago
South Carolina, USA

Leaderboard is all wii u. What about the people on N64? SM64 has emu and N64 categories and the route very rarely changes between the 2. The route on DK64 does change between wii u and n64 so I feel like another category would only give us more ways to play the game we love!

Just a thought from a practicing dk64 runner who is bummed there is no n64 only ladder.

Obiyo likes this

You can view solely the N64 runs using filtering: https://i.imgur.com/PMx9dRn.png

Caseywho, HorhaytheDragon and 2 others like this
South Carolina, USA

Good to know. Thanks!

However on mobile you cant use the "filter" drop box properly so anyone that only uses a mobile device may not be able to check it.

SM64 doesn't have that issue. I however will just use my laptop. :D

Texas, USA

The idea of a leaderboard split has come up many times in the past (sometimes asking why we don't split them, sometimes requesting a vote for a split). The DK64 community has held 3 (maybe 4) votes in the past on whether the leaderboards should be split between N64 & Wii U Virtual Console, and every time the majority was with a combined leaderboard.

The filter function allows you to view all 3 leaderboards (Combined, N64 Only, VC Only), whereas a split would remove functionality from the leaderboard (removing the first option). If a split did happen, we would be leaving half the community behind a second click (which half would also be a tough choice since there are more N64 runs, but VC has WR in every category). With SM64, they chose to have N64 as the primary console and put more recognition behind an N64 time, and therefore most people run on N64 instead of VC. If I remember correctly, N64 also has WR in every SM64 category (I may be mistaken though)

DK64, whether on Wii U or N64, is the same game. Yes, there are version differences, but like how we don't split US/PAL/JP times (where the times between each region differ by about the same amount as N64-Wii U time differences), we don't split the consoles

Best of luck with learning! If you need help at any point, there is a #help channel in the DK64 discord (which is linked in the left sidebar) :)

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Waxy, Really_Tall and 4 others like this
South Carolina, USA

I personally don't care about filtering them all together because I dont see them as the same what so ever but i also understand all the complications that would follow a massive overhaul of the leaderboards. My main thing is splitting them gives all the top runners more things to compete on. I appreciate all the fast and knowledgeable replies! Hopefully next time the community decides to have a poll, the RNG is on my side. ;)

Texas, USA

As I said, saying N64 & VC are different enough to split would be similar-ish to spltting US, PAL & JP. Both sets have things which are very different about them:

  • VC has a severe lag reduction compared to N64. Meaning if you're going for overall WR, you need to run on Wii U VC
  • PAL has a lower framerate meaning that several things are slower. Meaning if you're going for overall WR, you cannot run on PAL
  • JP can't cancel text, which means that several things are slower. Meaning if you're going to go for overall WR, you cannot run on JP
  • Both PAL and JP can't perform a trick known as 'Swim through Vertical Walls', which makes them slower (esp. in Galleon). Meaning that if you want to go for overall WR, you can't play on PAL/JP
  • US has a bug where the Helm Medals become uncollectable after you turn off the Blast-O-Matic and fully reload the level, which prevents a strat where you can beat Helm and get 100% in Helm with only completing 2 of the minigames (if you discount a TAS-only strategy). So if you want to go for overall WR for a Helm 100% IL, you can't play on US.

Each version (US N64, US VC, PAL N64, PAL VC, JP N64, JP VC) will have their own differences, but in the end, they're all the same game. Splitting for N64 & VC would be equally as valid as splitting for US/PAL/JP imo, and having 6 tabs would just be incredibly messy.

That being said, when N64 records are broken, equal community recognition is given to it compared to overall WRs that are done on Wii U VC.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
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