Sticky Lean
8 years ago
Arizona, USA

Hey everyone, I know this has been addressed before, but I posted a question on the old thread and no one replied

I'm having an issue with leaning in the game. It started out as a weird delay where Corvo wouldn't stand upright immediately after I release my lean key. The delay seemed to vary with how long I held down lean. Now, however, I'm having the more common issue where he just gets stuck completely unless I open and close the powers menu.

The older thread said it might have something to do with framerate, but I capped it to 250 in the.ini. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Arizona, USA

So this is just a problem everyone has as part of the run? Hm. Thanks for the heads up, I appreciate it.

Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France

It is a normal if you're running your game up to 250 FPS, the solution is to click on savestates button, or blink (or to lower your frame rate with if you have binded a key for that)