More categories?
7 years ago

I just picked up this game (yes, legit copy) and started casually playing, I found that for example 6 die battle would be an interesting speedrun, though obviously RNG-heavy.

Also, I suck at puzzles so I won't be doing 100 puzzles anytime soon lol

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Kentucky, USA

I just now noticed this post, but if there are suggestions for categories I would be open to adding them.


I would be very happy to have such a category. It is registered as a Category Extension in another game, but I feel that it would be okay to unify it on the Devil Dice side or separate it as a Level Leaderboard.

Kentucky, USA

I would need you to define what the category would be to add it. Alternatively, I could just add you as a mode if you would like to make it yourself?


If you would like to add me as a moderator, I am willing to work as a moderator for the Devil Dice series. Also, if you define rules as a category of this game, It is necessary to decide whether to set a limit on the number of matches and time, what kind of dice to use, and whether the field size is fixed to regular. For pure speedruns, I think 1 match and 3 matches (both normal dice, field: regular) are all right.

Kentucky, USA

It's been a while since I've played Devil Dice, so I would say you should use your best judgement to make categories that are distinct & clearly defined.

Kentucky, USA

Oh wait, I'm apparently no longer moderator for this game? I will have to request that. idk how that happened.


Maybe you can add moderators from here. It seems that the previous moderator (Deleted user) accidentally kicked the moderator.

Kentucky, USA

Ok, I am now a moderator and have added you @AsneL

AsneL likes this

Thank you Pacci. I've added what was requested here to the category. Let's adjust from here.


I tried out the categories in this forum. have a fun!

I would like to ask you to check the Category Entension of this game, which has become another game. It can be set in "Edit game> info> Game Type> Category Extension".

Kentucky, USA

You can't do that in a game's settings. That has to be requested on this forum: I had never taken the time to read if there were requirements are anything.

Hi everyone,

I have made many times the Puzzle% TAS of Devil Dice.

In december, I've tased 2 new categories :

  • Minimum Steps
  • Maximum Stars

These 2 categories are quite the same because 30 stars will be won at the end (I haven't found more) but some stages will be longer to get less steps (in Minimum Steps, the final count of steps is 678 / 734 but in Maximum Stars it's 686 / 734).

When my last Puzzle% TAS was finished, I've just realised that for each line of stages (1 to 10, 11 to 20, ...) two stages can be skipped before starting a new line of stages, so this brings me the thought of two categories for the Puzzle% :

  • Puzzle - Any% (to be the fastest to end the stage 100 (and skip some stages))
  • Puzzle - All Pictures% (no stage can be skip, this is the current category here)

I hope it will get your interest.

Kind Regards,


Hi, Thank you for your suggestion.

I created a category.

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