Is there a consistent way of getting ShayyJam everytime?
3 years ago
Western Australia, Australia

Tf is ShayJam lol, I know it’s a shay emote but what game wise are you mentioning?

Edited by the author 3 years ago
United States

What are you on about?

Minnesota, USA

i think there talking about fast djs

United States

I looked it up and I think shayyjam might have been like a miss-translation or something.

Victoria, Australia

sorry, just was watching one of his streams while posting this lmao, I meant Fast Sweet Cap'n cakes, where you let kris die on the first turn of sweet cap'n cakes to skip through the whole fight, whoops lol

Texas, USA

yeah thats random, though you can help ur odds by heal prayering susie and taking the amber cards off kris (which you sell later in main route anyway)

Western Australia, Australia

The Kris Kill is RNG, there’s no way to make it 100% consistent. There are several different ways that people do the fight that range from 40%-75%

United States
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

idk ask @Shayy

United States


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