List of Current Tech
List of Current Tech
Updated 3 years ago by Blargel

This is a list of glitches and techniques that we have found that can be used to possibly speed up your speedrun. I will attempt to keep this up-to-date by removing patched glitches and adding new tech we find. Some of the tech exist but are not used in any routes. These will be included in case someone is able to find a use.

[section=Assault Boost] This movement tech causes you to dash forward more quickly than separately using the assault shield or rolling. If done in midair within a second of leaving the ground, you will be unaffected by gravity during the dash. The roll cooldown is 0.75 seconds so it's possible to do two horizontal dashes in midair. Required items: Assault Shield How to do it: Use the Assault Shield and cancel it immediately with a roll. Useful for: Moving horizontally very quickly

[section=Unlinked Lightspeed] Lightspeed (called LS in the text) has two forms : yellow and blue, which allows you to dash backward and disappears after 3-4 seconds if not used. This tech allows you to unlink these two forms, so the blue one doesn't disappear and can be used without limit of time, and in any direction (not only backward). Basically it allows you to get "two lightspeed-in-one".

Required Items : A custom run with lightspeed as a starting item How to do it :

  1. Use Lightspeed
  2. Change difficulty
  3. Restart
  4. Use Lightspeed
  5. Choose the difficulty you want to play Useful for : If you wait enough with the blue form activated (10 seconds after using the yellow LS, or ~5-6 seconds after the particles left by yellow LS disappear), you will be able to dash twice in the same direction with your "two" lightspeeds, like showed at 1:13. So you can go faster in biomes, and in particular perform hyperspeeds for skipping Promenade and bosses.

[section=Unlinked Hyperspeed] This tech lets you launch yourself at extreme speeds in one direction horizontally until you hit a wall.

Required items : Unlinked Lightspeed, a keyboard How to do it :

  1. Rebind moving right to Numpad period
  2. Rebind your Lightspeed button (here, left skill button) to Num 0 and Numpad period
  3. While facing a wall with a blue lightspeed, press Num 0 and then Numpad period just after Useful for : Skipping promenade, Concierge, Mama Tick, Conjonctivius, Time Keeper, Giant, HotK, ramparts with good RNG, Astrolab if the last tower is in the right with the help of a wall clipping.

[section=Javelin Hyperspeed] This tech lets you launch yourself at extreme speeds in one direction horizontally until you hit a wall. Required items : War Javelin, Lightspeed How to do it : Place the javelin where you want to hyperspeed from and then lightspeed in the opposite direction (no wall or any restriction) and immediately use javelin to teleport you. Useful for : Skipping Concierge, Mama Tick, Conjonctivius, Time Keeper, Giant, HotK, move faster in biomes and level transitions.

[section=Javelin Door Skip] This tech lets you skip some doors if the layout is favorable. Required items : War Javelin

  1. Stick your javelin into the door you want to skip (preferably at the bottom of it)
  2. Position yourself behind the door on another platform (upside or downside)
  3. Teleport yourself Useful for : skipping switch and key doors, especially in Sepulcher, Castle and Astrolab

[section=Item Climb Boost] This movement tech lets you reset the distance you're allowed to climb on the same wall with the Spider Rune. It also has a side effect of increasing the climbing speed for some reason. Required items: Spider's Rune and some fast weapons or any skill. How to do it: While climbing a wall, hold the direction towards the wall and use the skill or fast weapon. Useful for: Climbing quickly on the same wall for extended periods of time. Especially useful in the clock tower.

[section=Jump Cancel Climb Boost] A variation on the item climb boost that is slower but works with slow weapons. It allows you to reset the distance you're allowed to climb on the same wall with the Spider Rune. Required items: Spider Rune and any jump cancelable weapon (all weapons?). How to do it: While climbing a wall, hold the direction towards the wall, attack with the jump cancelable weapon, and immediately cancel it with a jump. Useful for: Climbing quickly on the same wall for extended periods of time with slow weapons like the giant killer. Especially useful in the clock tower.

[section=Dive Roll Cancel] This movement tech lets you cancel the dive's landing animation by rolling instead to gain a bit of horizontal distance. Rolls can be canceled into jumps, platform drops, attacks or chain grabs too. Beware that you can still stun yourself if the fall was too far. Required items: None How to do it: Perform a dive attack and roll right before impact. Cancel the roll with whatever if needed. Useful for: Moving downwards and around certain corners more quickly.

[section=Slam Roll Cancel] This movement tech is a variation of the dive roll cancel. It does the same thing, but trades off the ability to cancel the roll at the end with the ability to prevent stunning yourself from a long fall. Required items: None How to do it: Just like a dive roll cancel, perform a dive attack and cancel it with a roll before impact. However, after the roll, you need to immediately input another dive attack. You may need to start the roll earlier than a normal dive roll cancel to give enough time to input the second dive attack. If done correctly, you'll see the shockwave of the dive attack, but your character will also roll. Useful for: Preventing yourself from getting stunned from a long fall while still granting a bit of forward movement during landing. Mostly only used for the Ramparts exit to the Black Bridge.

[section=Ledge Cancel] This movement tech causes you to cancel the grab animation when climbing the middle of semi-solid platforms (platforms you can jump down through by pressing down + jump). You will sort of teleport through the bottom of them a short distance. This does not work on the sides of solid or semi-solid platforms. Required items: Any weapon that can be jump canceled (all weapons?) How to do it: While jumping to grab a semi-solid platform, use a weapon to immediately cancel the grab animation and teleport on top of the platform. Immediately jump after using the weapon to jump cancel it and continue climbing if necessary. If you need to go horizontally instead of vertically after the cancel, you can cancel the animation with an assault boost instead. Useful for: Climbing more quickly than usual, especially in the clock tower. However, the high amount of precise inputs per second required to make it work combined with the low amount of time saved makes it difficult to justify using it.

[section=Remote Teleport Stone] This glitch lets you activate a teleport stone from below, through a floor Required items: None How to do it: If the teleport stone is on a one tile thick floor, you can activate it by jumping directly below it and mashing your interact button. Useful for: Avoiding a bit of extra platforming

[section=Assault Shield Jump] This tech allows you to jump diagonaly.

Required items : Assault Shield How to do it : Press the shield and jump buttons at the same time Useful for : Reaching the secret zone in Stilt Village on a Fresh File.

[section=Fresh File Hand of the King skip] Note : 1.7.1 exclusive tech. This tech allows you to unlink your Lightspeed on a Fresh File, so you can perform an hyperspeed to skip HotK Required items : Lightspeed How to do it : Use Lightspeed and quit your game to main menu. Resume your game, and your LS will be unlinked (= it stays blue) for one use. Perform an unlinked hyperspeed. Useful for : Skipping HotK on a Fresh File

[section=Straight Roll] This tech allows you to become a Morph Ball. Required items : Any fast weapon How to do it : Use your weapon and roll just after. Useful for : Stealing objects behind some gold doors. Clipping behind some walls and doors. Doing OOB hyperspeeds and skipping bosses. Skipping Vine Rune.

[section=Coyote Boost]

This tech lets you get incredible vertical height from any ledge.

Required items: any instant-cast weapon (the list is really long and doesn't include some weapons, but almost all ranged items and a decent amount of melee items work) How to do it: Go slightly off the edge into Coyote position, press attack, and immediately cancel the animation by jumping. If done correctly the player will boost up vertically, appearing almost as if he had done two jumps, but in reality only one jump was used and he can still double jump afterwards. Useful for: Vine Rune Skip. (see the "How to skip the Vine Rune in Dead Cells" video for the specifics.

[section=Vine Rune Skip]

[section=Wall/Door clipping] This tech allows to clip through walls and doors, if they are above a one tile platform. Required items : Meat Skewer, Lightspeed, Telluric Shock How to do it:

  1. Rebind your Lightspeed and your Telluric Shock to the same button
  2. Use your Meat Skewer at the same height (actually you want to have Beheaded's feet to be just below the platform) than the one tile platform, so you can enter into.
  3. When you are inside the platform, immediately use your two skills Useful for : Clipping through some doors/walls, in particular Astrolab last tower wall, saving significant amount of time.

[section=Unlocking weapons in 5BC] This awesome tech allows you to unlock weapons before 5BC last boss. Required items : Unlinked Lightspeed or War Javelin and Lightspeed How to do it: do an hyperspeed of your choice after reaching the last floor of the Observatory, talk to the Collector and unlock your weapons. Useful for : Getting XI level weapons before 5BC last boss.

[section=Telluric Shock Invincibility] Note : 1.5 and 1.6 exclusive tech. This tech allows you to be basically invincible. Required items : Telluric Shock How to do it: Use telluric shock and cancel it with a roll a little after. Useful for : In 5BC runs, it allows you to skip off-stats scrolls, using more powerful builds and facetanking the last boss, saving significant amount of time.

[section=Double Platform Drop] This movement tech lets you drop through one platform and dive through a second platform without touching it. You can chain a dive roll cancel afterwards if needed. Required items: None How to do it: Drop through a platform and then perform a dive attack close to the second platform. The positioning is very strict. Too early and you'll just land on the second platform. Too late and you will perform a double jump. The further apart the platforms are, the stricter the timing. Useful for: Moving downwards through multiple platforms more quickly.

[section=Dive Through] This movement tech is a variation of the double platform drop. It allows you to dive straight through a platform while already diving if your roll is not on cooldown. It can be combined with a double platform drop to perform a triple platform drop. Required items: None How to do it: During a dive attack, cancel it with a roll and back into dive attack at a precise height above a platform. The timing is extremely strict, possibly being even frame perfect. Useful for: Moving downwards through multiple platforms more quickly. However, since it is so extremely precise, this is most likely a TAS-only strat.

[Section=Skewer Jump] This tech lets you jump higher than usual without the assistance of an extra jump amulet or the Syringe. Required Items: Meat Skewer How to do it: Cancel the middle of the meat skewer dash with a jump. If timed correctly, this jump will go about a tile higher than usual. Useful for: Reaching slightly higher, particularly for reaching the wall for the HotK and Concierge skips.

[section=Starter Item Smuggling] This glitch lets you take the starter items in custom mode from one difficulty into another, namely BC4 into BC0 for stronger equipment than the difficulty normally gives at first. Required items: None How to do it: While in custom mode, start a run in the difficulty you want to smuggle items from. Change the difficulty to the difficulty you want to bring the items to. You will keep the items from the old difficulty. Useful for: Having stronger weapons than usual at the start of a run

[section=Elevator Scroll Grab] This tech lets you grab a scroll while riding an elevator if the scroll happens to be close to one. Required items: None How to do it: Activate the elevator and then grab the nearby scroll before the elevator moves too far upwards. Useful for: Saving a little time by doing the scroll animation while waiting for the elevator to reach the top.

[section=Elevator Floor Clip] This tech lets you clip through a one tile thick floor by using an elevator. Required items: None How to do it. Start with the elevator down. Activate it, but immediately walk off and hit the button to bring it back down. Jump back onto the elevator and immediately attempt to do a dive attack through the elevator floor while it is starting to move back down. The timing of the dive attack and the height of the elevator when you do it is fairly strict. Useful for: Basically nothing for now.

[section=Multi Stat Scroll] This glitch lets you gain multiple stats from one scroll. This glitch is not allowed in current rules. Required items: None How to do it: When selecting a stat on the stat selection menu, click on it multiple times in a single frame. You will likely need an auto clicker or macro for this. Useful for: Getting stronger than intended and therefore having faster boss fights.

[section=Concierge Skip] This tech lets you skip fighting the Concierge and exit the Black Bridge. Required Items: A way to reach the wall above the entrance (multiple jump amulet, double jump and lightspeed, or syringe) and a way to move horizontally in the air a large distance. How to do it: This particular version is using syringe to get up and then assault boost, two lightspeeds, and the meat skewer to get over the triggers. The double lightspeed is a glitch that is not yet explained on this guide, sorry. Also, Your character must be off the top of the screen in order to ignore the triggers so I recommend double jumping off the wall before doing the sequence of events. Useful for: Exiting the Black Bridge without fighting a boss.

[section=Giant AI Freeze] The giant's AI can stop working if you hit one of his hands with the Giant's Whistle while it is on the floor. Required Items: Giant's Whistle How to do it: Wait for the Giant to either try to smash you with his fist directly or to do the double fist pound to drop crystals on you. Try to time your Giant Whistle attack so it hits when the Giant's fist is on the ground immediately after the attack. Useful for: Free DPS on the Giant's hands.

[section=Giant Skip] This tech lets you skip fighting the Giant and exit the Guardian's Haven. Required Items: A way to move horizontally in the air a decent distance. How to do it: Before entering the boss room, look left on the camera to cause the cutscene trigger to activate later than it should. This will let you sneak in to grab the wall on the inside of the room. Climb to the top of the room and go over the trigger with your horizontal movement (an assault boost and Lightspeed in this video) to reach the other side. As you fall back down the other side, be sure to hold right on the camera to manipulate the cutscene trigger again, open the door, and leave the boss room. Useful for: Exiting the Guardian's Haven without fighting a boss.

[section=Hand of the King Spike Lock] The hand will usually try to jump out of the spike pit instantly if he somehow falls into it. However, if you root him, he will stay in the spike pit and take damage from the spikes until the rooting runs out. Required items: Wolf trap and a method to push the boss How to do it: Either push the hand into the pit or trick him into falling in himself. You'll likely have the most success with pushing him with the assault shield. Root him before he can jump out. If you are using wolf traps, you can leave a trap in the pit and not worry about the timing of the root. If you have multiple sources of rooting, chain them together to keep him inside longer. Useful for: Dealing damage to the hand quickly if you have a bad loadout. Probably useful only in fresh file runs.

[section=Hand of the King AI Freeze] The hand can get stuck in the ground next to the spikes and stop doing anything. He becomes very difficult to hit in this state. Required Items: Wolf Trap and a method to push How to do it: If the Hand of the King changes phases to summon elites while inside the spike pit, he will glitch and get stuck in the ground. You can still hit him with ground pounds, but most other weapons will not work. Useful for: Ruining a good run at the last minute.

[section=Hand of the King Skip] This tech lets you skip hand of the king and enter the fountain without fighting him. Required Items: A way to reach the wall above the entrance (multiple jump amulet, jumping from the first ice platform and using lightspeed, or syringe) and a way to move horizontally in the air a large distance. How to do it: This particular version is using syringe to get up and then assault boost, meat skewer first hit, and then lightspeed to go over the triggers. Your character must be off the top of the screen in order to ignore the triggers so I recommend double jumping off the wall before doing the sequence of events. Useful for: Getting to the fountain to end a run without fighting the final boss.

[section=Diving through Astrolab electric fields] When hugging the wall, you can sometimes dive through an electric field in the Astrolab Required Items: None How to do it: Push yourself against a wall that's above the electric field and then dive down through it. There is a minimum height requirement for it to work. If you are too close to the field when you start the dive, you will still get hit by it. Useful for: Skipping teleporter sections in the Astrolab

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The leaderboards have been reworked, new categories have been added, and old runs have been moved.

Thanks to all the voters, as well as our moderator, Leoxiong, who translated the form and asked the Chinese community!

We hope that this new structure will shed more light on the

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