Mysterious Treasures and Secret Treasures locations
Mysterious Treasures and Secret Treasures locations
Aktualisiert 3 years ago von HeroSM

I basically ripped this from GameFAQs other than the formatting.

Mysterious Treasures: A Journey Begins! - VULGUS - In the plants on the island after you crash land. Pit of Tragedy - SON SON - In one of the rocks on the upper platform, just above the door. Flute of the Growlin' Goblins - TON TON - On the ground, ring the bell by the tree in the upper-right corner. The Fountain Guardian - SUI SUI - Once you drain the water, ring Wiki near the plants in the upper left part of the fountain. Three Colossi - POW - Ring Wiki at the shiny spot at the far left of the room. King of the Jungle - MOMOTARO - Go down into the cave, past the puzzle, and into the small passage to the lower right before you fill it with water, and ring Wiki there. The Crystal Key - BOW - Ring Wiki at the icicles just to the left of the doors. Keeper of the Ice - PIRATE - In the little island in the center of the water (turned ice). Icicle of Prosperity - EXED EXES - Go to the left of the Frog's spot to the wall and ring Wiki. Frost Breath - COMMANDO - Once you beat Chillion, climb the stairs, and go to the very far left wall to ring Wiki. Bridge of Doom - GHOSTS'N GOBLINS - In front of the lever with the Control Pad on it, near to the stairs. Lake of Fire - GUN.SMOKE - Once you knock down the doors, go through them to the water pot's stand and ring Wiki. Relics of the Past - SECTION Z - Behind the big metal box above the Orion Walker's garage, ring Wiki. Dragon Scales - THE SPEED RUMBLER - On the left side of the area, in the rock that's closest to the malfunctioning lava lift. Ancient Wyrm - SIDE ARMS - Ring Wiki next to the big tablet at the beginning. Operation: Take Back! - Mobi-chan - Ring Wiki next to the globe in Rose's room. Bell Tower of Requiem - BIONIC COMMANDO - On the top floor, one of the pots has this. The Painted Secret - MEGAMAN - On the ground floor, one of the pots on the far right has this. Mirror, Mirror - ARMORED WARRIORS - In the underground passage that connects the two sides, ring Wiki standing behind the left-hand rock pillar. Mad Science - 1941 - In the basement, on top of the metal grate near the water pump, ring Wiki. Return of the Legend - CAPTAIN COMMANDO - Once you fall into the lower cavern, ring Wiki near the big boulder. The Great Chase! - VARTH - Go down into the ship's hold and ring Wiki in the left-hand corner in the foreground. Barbaros' Land - MEGAMAN X - Once you recover Wiki, go to the very top of the side-facing walkway, on the upper-right, and ring Wiki. Barbaros' Land - Final Battle - ECO FIGHTERS - In the pile of treasure in the lower right corner of the command cabin. Ring Wiki.

Secret Treasures: /==============
|| 6B. Tropical Jungle || ==============/

Pit of Tragedy:

At the bottom of the area is a Totem Head. Take that and run around the pillar a few times.

Break every rock and pot in this area.

Flute of the Growlin' Goblins:

Go back and forth across the gondola three times while the Goblins are active.

Once you put the Goblins to sleep, itemize them all and drop them all in the pot.

Play the flute backwards, starting from the bottom.

The Fountain Guardian:

Drop a Worm from the diving platform to the fish five times.

Go to the diving platform and jump off. Go to the water slide and slide all the way through. Do this both when the water is filled, and when it's drained.

Do the "alternate" method of getting rid of the fish: set a Worm near the water slide so the Frog goes after it, then drop the Frog into the water from the diving platform.

Three Colossi:

After you remove the totem with the left-hand colossus, run the crank again to put the totem's left hand facing upward, then roll the rock.

King of the Jungle:

Instead of covering the snake totem with a pot by yourself, stand near it and ring the bell so that the big guy drops a pot on it for you.

Itemize King Growl. To do this, go out the right side of the cave and ring to get his attention, but run back in before he sees you. Go up and behind him, then ring repeatedly to change him.

Once you start falling with the umbrella, flip it a few times in your hand before opening it. I did it five times and it was enough.

|| 6C. Snow Country || ==============/

The Crystal Key:

You need to make a key with the parts in the following order going down: sky blue, green, dark blue. This key will go into the left-hand keyhole on the west wall.

Take a regular Ice Bar and put it in the right-hand keyhole on the west wall.

Keeper of the Ice:

Shake all five trees in the area while Jeeves is still active.

Once you freeze the water, a chest will appear in the northeast corner.

Once you make the Goon Totem, take it to the southwest platform, then run all the way to the southeast area without dropping it while Jeeves is still active. While you can't drop it, you CAN stop to shake trees, so you don't have to do it in one run.

Icicle of Prosperity:

After freeing the Centipede using the Moldrill, keep turning the gear to uncover a switch. Go to the alcove to the northeast of the big ice block to release a Bat. Turn it into a Batbrella and use it to poke the switch.

This one's kinda cool. Basically, what you need to do is break the ice with a special attack. Start by using the Moldrill on the big ice block, the use the Icicle and Boarammer, then use the Frog Bomb, then use the Centi-saw on both sides. You should be pretty low at this point. Use the Batbrella or the Boarammer to knock the ice's "health" to about 40 or 50, then start hitting it with your bare hands. After about thirty or so hits, you'll do a "super multi punch" for 30 damage. If the ice breaks down then, you'll get the chest.

Quite simply, drop the big icicle on the ice. Use the Moldrill, then the Icicle and Boarammer, then the Frog Bomb, then the Centi-saw.

Frost Breath:

Step on each of the eleven mirror plinths. You don't need to carry anything with you, but you need to actually be on the plinth, not examining it by standing in front of it.

This "one" is the cannon. Once you get Wiki back, ring the bell while standing on top of the cannon.

|| 6D. Western Volcano || ================/

Bridge of Doom:

Break the bridge. This will most likely be done in the process of completing the level.

In the bottom right corner is a line of stones denoting an empty space. Ring the bell in there for a few seconds.

Lake of Fire:

Once you cool the lake, go to the right of it to find a black stone. Toss it to reveal a Totem stand. Place a Goon Totem on it to reveal the chest.

Relics of the Past:

In the lava flow panel on the left side of the area, you need to insert the three blocks so you get the right solution, and you don't have to move any of them an extra time. Here's a solution that works quick enough: Put the darker red L in the upper right hole, pointing up and right. Put the cross piece in the left hole, with the lighter portion pointing down. Put the last piece in facing properly. Everything SHOULD line up.

Ride every lava lift at least three times. Going up and down each count as one.

Once you get rid of the treasure ghost at the end, readjust the T platforms so you can go back up (both facing left should do it). Go to the garage and you should see Johnny in there.

Dragon Scales:

Walk back and forth through the midpoint of the dragon bones several times.

During your second "tennis session" with the fireballs, you should see Johnny on one of the dragon bones high up. Hit him with a slightly late and hard shot to knock him off.

Ancient Wyrm:

Have Swellosaurus Jr. eat all the flames in the area. You should get them all before any have a chance to come back, but you shouldn't be too pressed for time.

Use one of the water statues, then raise the hammer one pillar, then use another water statue, then raise another part of the hammer, and so on until you use the fourth water statue.

Operation: Take Back:

Shut the engine off three times at any point during the mission.

The Frog in the vents hops away from you. Chase it to the right (to the elevator shaft) three times.

|| 6E. Medieval Castle || ===============/

Bell Tower of Requiem:

Ring the bell with the chain three times.

Once you drop the bell, go to the gear switch, and flip it back to the left.

The Painted Secret:

Instead of placing the golden slabs one after another in the center, arrange the three of them on the gallery to the right of the center.

Take the broom and poke the old guy with it in the hair, eyes, and nose.

Mirror, Mirror:

As soon as you start, pick up the phone and hold it up for about ten seconds.

After you speak to Johnny, go to the phone and put your hand on it. As soon as it rings, pick it up.

Use all six sounds on one side (as far as I know, any order is good, but it's best to keep it simple, like left to right), then go to the mirror side and use the sounds on that side in the same order.

Mad Science:

Once you turn the Centipede into a Centi-saw, saw down the tree it was on. You have to do this relatively quickly to get the treasure to appear.

Take the Batbrella to the basement shower and use it while the Batbrella is open.

Return of the Legend:

Somewhat difficult. After you beat the boss, you'll be falling down a shaft. There are six pots that follow you during the fall. Click on each of these pots (just once, you don't need to manipulate them or anything) before you grab the Batbrella and use it. The chest will appear a bit further down the mineshaft past the rock.

|| 6F. Eastern Seas || =============/

The Great Chase:

Load your bomb bay with a full load of five Tunabombs. This is best done after you release three Goons, so they can help you carrying them. Make sure you drop the last one in yourself, though.

Free Rose and all her crew by shooting them out of Hexalegs' arms with the gun before it gets too close.

On a different run than the last one, wait for Hexalegs to approach, then use Wiki to release each Goon and Rose after it slams them on the deck.

Barbaros's Land:

This particular ugly one is the one patrolling the upper-right area. Grab the Steel Sword and wait for it to march to the thin part of the bridge to your right. Fight and defeat it on that part of the bridge.

The big rock on the right side needs to be dropped on the Hench Mummy that patrols the lower-right area. It's easiest when it's walking down to the ground floor.

  1. This is the toughest of the three, because you need to sneak past the Pirate Mummy patrolling the upper left area instead of dropping a Treasure Vase on it. Twice, actually. The treasure boat on the right side has a Crown in it. After you defeat Barbaros, you need to go to the elevator with this Crown and ride up to where the eye pushes you off. Drop the Crown on the Hench Mummy patrolling, then drop a Treasure Vase on him.
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