Verification Notes: Ran on Gambatte-Speedrun r717. Since I was grinding this for quite a long time, I was in a rhythm of doing attempts then resetting, so I actually reset as this attempt is ending. Thankfully though, the "You won!!!" screen is visible for a little bit.
From retiming this based on the rules, it looks to beat world record! Hell yeah. All my PBs during this session happened at the most random times when I was just chatting to my stream. Didn't even think I had a chance at top 5, let alone world record. My goal was to get top 8 but then I got 3rd, then pushed further and got 2nd and finally ended up here, beating a 2 and a half year old world record. Also, side note, cool word to do it with.
Mod Message: Time starts at 11.600 and ends at 14.467 at 30 fps to get a final time of 2s 867ms