Category Suggestion
6 months ago
United Kingdom

Multiplayer category; on packlife, max 8 players.

Complete 55 hunts between everyone; including any/all prey type.

55 seems like a lot but in multiplayer mode, hunting can be faster because you can coordinate with other players to locate and take down prey more efficiently. Here’s how the time estimates might look though I've not done any testing for any stats or hunt timings etc:

  • Best Case (Highly Coordinated Team of Experienced Players):
    • 1 minute per hunt → 55 hunts could take around 55 minutes.
    • 1.5 minutes per hunt → 55 hunts could take around 82 minutes (approximately 1.4 hours).
  • Average Case (Moderately Skilled Team):
    • 2-3 minutes per hunt → 55 hunts could take 110 to 165 minutes (approximately 1.8 to 2.75 hours).

The efficiency largely depends on how well the team works together, the roles assigned (e.g., one player chases, another intercepts/directs), and the communication/stats between players. A well-coordinated team can drastically reduce the time needed per hunt.


United Kingdom

Each season would also add its own unique challenge

United States

Hm, I don't have anyone to MP with, let alone 8 people. A race sounds like it could be fun but hard to keep count if everyone splits up. would mod need to watch max 8 perspectives to make sure it is counted right? Perhaps 55 carcasses on the map, and if a freebie spawns so be it, if a predator eats one too bad? Hmm... But that would be too RNG. If you sleep to regain HP and stamina you would loose kills. Very RNG.

Florida, USA

That sounds interesting and like it could be a lot of fun, but I'm not sure how possible it would actually be. Having enough people to be able to commit to that long with no potential AFKs or leaving, or getting enough randoms in a public lobby to wait for everyone needed might be really difficult. Unless you don't need all 8 players, which could make the run take longer depending on the coordination, stats, difficulty, season, and how many people are there.

I also don't know how the speedrunners would keep track of the kills reliably. If it's given to one player, they'd have to be there for every kill. If everyone tries to count, that could easily devolve into chaos The runner/videotaper could keep a tally somewhere. Needing to watch every single second to make sure someone isn't lying about the count sounds kind of tedious as well, as every moment might be important.

There's also the issue of sleeping, because eventually you will need to for HP, injuries and stamina/wakefulness. That would take unnecessary time, but if players don't they won't be able to hunt efficiently and quickly due to no stamina and slowing/weakening injuries and no HP.

packhowlnow gefällt das.
United Kingdom

Good points. Perhaps instead of 55, it could be drastically lowered to 10/15? that would probably mitigate most of the technical issues/time-eating issues i think?

and in my mind, everyone player would record as proof but yes checking thru each players record would be tough.

id say the rules would be, all players are present/together for each hunt - bcos the point of the speedrun is teamwork hunting - and that way only one video proof would need to be checked.

how does that sound?

i also think it wouldn't be attempted by random public groups but rather private established groups of which there are quite a few.

United Kingdom

maybe a max of 5 wolves for ease of keeping track of; ensuring that the 4 others (besides host/recording player) are present. max zoom out to assist in keep all wolves on screen for as much as possible but some people may lag behind sometimes depending on their stats/skills - though i feel as long as they aren't away from the group by far/too long then no disqualification

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