Harrow Strats
7 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

Supposedly the last map, there is some sort of gas clouds. (That recharge energy.)

Someone in my clan's chat was saying something about it.

United States

I heard it was added in a recent update.

Pennsylvania, USA

That might explain why I missed it.

Like I said, supposedly.

United States

I wasn't able to verify it yet. Haven't touched CoH since my last PB.

Pennsylvania, USA

I did it once, I'm more likely to go back to OA than I am Harrow.

Ugh mission is Ugh.

But couldn't figure out how to PM Nus, so tossed it up here instead.


It's a nice concept, but I fail to see how it could potentially increase the speed of a run. If anything it might slow it down if you go out of your way to get them. Also you can contact my directly on discord, it should be linked on my profile.

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