We've added subcategories for every category (Full Game and Individual Levels) to create new leaderboards for WarCraft II: Remastered. The timing rules might change for Remastered, because the game checks victory conditions more often than classic (at least once per .66 seconds, possibly faster), but we haven't figured out what we want yet.
If you have opinions about how Remastered should be handled, you can either post here or join us in Discord where we're discussing the changes.
I can't believe they remastered the old classics. This is cool.
rules: https://www.speedrun.com/wc2/leaderboards?rules=game
We're going to time Remastered runs in half-seconds, so the milliseconds should always be rounded down to either 0 or 500. Milliseconds are also enabled in the UI for Classic, because it can't be enabled for one but not the other, but for Classic runs it should always be left blank or zero.