This was one of my proudest moments. I'm so glad that I was able to get a sub-30 in game, which was what I was aiming for. I got new best segments for Violet (1:46.30), Vitellary (7:39.19), Verdigris (5:25.54), both Intermissions (2:00.76 & 2:04.62 respectively), and the Final Level (3:46.91). No new best splits for Victoria (today was 4:00.77) or Vermilion (today was 3:22.34), but still a really good glitchless 100%. My goal now is to learn the glitches, and try to aim for WR. Next step, though, is somewhere in the 20-minute range.
(((Side note, there is a point in the video where the picture stalls a few frames ahead of where it should have been. This wasn't me messing with anything, it just happened that OBS bugged out and didn't communicate right with YouTube for a hot second.)))