Any% in 47:00
6 years ago

Any activity here? Just a heads up that a new run is out. Questions are welcome if anyone's interested

Alsace, France

Hi Tionic, Sorry for the delay, something reset my settings and I didn't notice your run. I'm going to review it today. Get back to you if needed. Blackout

Alsace, France

I read the description in your Youtube video too understand thet techniques that you used. Well congratulation !! It's very impressive. Thanks you for that amazing job.

Thank you! As I mentioned under the video, a lot of time has passed, and the route changed many times - both in minor and major ways - especially after discovering cutscene skips. I tried to explain a few of the more significant strats in the description, but going into extreme detail would have been a challenge to say the least. I enabled notifications, so if you or anyone else need help, feel free to make a strats thread just like on speeddemosarchive.

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