World Cunguest.
3 years ago

Maybe add world conguest category (RTA NSS and IGT). Timer stops when you conguer all map except for non-colonized lands (when you is only country remaining in world). Because if in other Paradox Grand Strategies we have WC category - then why we can't have it there?

Västerbotten, Sweden

Hey! World Conquest could've been a category, but so far no one has done a complete WC without save scumming and with a video recording of the entire thing. I myself almost managed it but messed up near the end and had to save scum, so that doesn't officially count. Meanwhile, the others that have done it before me that I know of didn't have video recordings, so those won't count either. There isn't much point in having the category on the leaderboard if there are no valid runs, and considering how difficult and time consuming a Vic2 WC is, it's not likely that many others will even attempt it. But if someone does and they manage to complete a full valid run with a video recording, then we could certainly add it!

I don't think enough people know you can even do a world conquest in Victoria 2. There aren't any guides really and search on popular subreddit also just assume it's impossible. Possible making a guide on how to do it and hopefully getting some traction would increase the number of attempts.

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