Lauf: ROBLOX: Sneak Thief
Lauf: ROBLOX: Sneak Thief
For future submissions, please include both POV's under the same submission by linking the second POV in the description. Time will be counted via the time shown as the last player completes the level.
Lauf: ROBLOX: Sneak Thief
because you jumped while only holding w, after that you have to stop pressing movement keys and then press aw/ad and jump to get the speed boost.
Lauf: ROBLOX: Sneak Thief
it's not a WR so the id is unnecessary, that's what im getting at
Lauf: ROBLOX: Sneak Thief
for future runs please include your user id in the description thanks :)
Lauf: ROBLOX: Sneak Thief
this should be timed as 39.89 because thats when the 2nd player escaped, don't you think?
1 bis 20 von insgesamt 133 angezeigt
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very epic gamer ngl
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