"I like pepperoni pizza"
I like pepperoni pizza. The smell is mild so much it makes me want to start eating it right after pizza."
But now one woman is saying she has no idea what makes her love of cheese an aromatic scent.
"I love pepperoni pizza," says Brittany Greenhill, 30, a New York waitress. "The smell is so good. It takes away from it all, or something. It's like being under your roof, so it's like, wow really, really good!"
But Greenhill believes that pepperoni, like everything on the menu, comes with a host of qualities that are not present in other pizzas. She said she had never even heard anyone make pizza with pepperoni.
"I was kind of like, 'What is the point?'" Greenhill said. "I like a lot of that pepperoni, but I also like not having tomatoes or tomatoes on my ingredients. I'm afraid people would have a hard time figuring out why. I like having a healthy dose of it. How can you not appreciate pepperoni, you're such a food lover with pizza?"
I don't have headset, just my basic headphones from the supermarket
AoE I and II SimCity: 3000 Urbz: Sims on the City (GBA or DS) Edition
I have seen many YTPMVs that use this OST as BGM