Thread: Wizard101

From a functional standpoint, I'm not sure how that would work to be honest. The game already has its own score leaderboards so having some special ones here would be redundant. Especially if timing isn't actually a factor.

Thread: Wizard101

Hey Samar. I do think that could be kind of cool, but it would fill up the IL section of the leaderboard pretty unnecessarily in my opinion. And since most people don't run WotNP% in general, I don't really see a reason for adding those 5 stages as individual levels at this time.

Thread: Wizard101

This kind of category was suggested before, but it wasn't added because it just kinda seemed like WizardCity% with an extra street. Same with a Smiths% category. It would be nice if the street was standalone like the other three, but for now I think it would make more sense for a longer run to go into Krok, rather than here.

Thread: Wizard101

Oh storm (the character's school) is definitely the best one. I was just talking regarding the 1 pip cards everyone gets. People have wondered if Fire or Life could be better, but Fire wouldn't work because their 2 pip is way slower to kill since it's a DoT and Life just doesn't have the strength output Storm has (155-195 vs 245-285).

S4mWell gefällt das.
Thread: Wizard101

I was always curious what the animation times were. If FC is on average faster than SS, that could be worth changing the card used. The question though is, does the highest FC hit go faster than the highest SS hits? Because with SS, you often need to hit 135+ to one shot a lot of enemies. SS has two animations that can do this, but FC only has one. On top of that, SS has two chances to hit what it needs (135 and 145) but FC only has 135. In an ideal run card accuracy and things like this wouldn't matter, but it would make an ideal run more difficult because the odds would tighten.

S4mWell gefällt das.
Thread: Wizard101

Nice post! I took a look at it and here's what I've done:

Mods: I don't mind adding another Verifier or two to test the waters of things with potentially getting new mods on board. To be safe, I would likely wait a bit before making new people full mods, but verifiers at least could look over other people's runs and we could get them approved faster, since it wouldn't just be me. If I added people as verifiers though, I would still like to look over their own runs personally for a while, just to be safe. But I could delegate other people's runs to them for verification.

Discord: I added the discord you listed under w101's speedrun page. Originally I think people were coming to my discord as sort of an unofficial place to discuss things, but I don't think it was actually listed on the game's page. If it is there somewhere, let me know and I can try to remove it. Otherwise, the discord you listed should be the one showing now.

Co-op: Decided to just go with it for the four main cats, modified the rules a little at the bottom to add clarity. So Co-op runs will be separated from the singles runs and have a few additional rules. It should work if people submit runs though it, my tests seemed to. But let me know if there are any issues upon submission. The individual levels I didn't add Co-op cats for though. One is a dead run, the other cannot be done with someone else, and the third (unicorn way) while it COULD be co-op up until rattlebones, I didn't see much point. But if you guys think we should have that Co-op as well, I can still do it.

Regarding Legacy runs: I'll likely remove this marker at a later point and merge the two leaderboards since it is becoming redundant. The purpose of separating them before was because the game changing update that caused them to be separated seemed like it made runs slower, and thus, older runs would've had to have been invalidated if not stored this way. Since the new runs seem faster for most cats now, it seems pointless to still have it, besides non US server runs, which still use an older version of the game. So if we find out the non US servers get the update and all cats have been beaten their legacy counterparts, I'll probably merge both boards again.

Thanks for your post and interest in the community :)

MaxPogFrog, S4mWell und 3 Andere gefällt das.
Thread: Wizard101

Yes, I agree that while runs involving a group of friends with max gear carrying someone through wizard city could be fun and interesting to see what the theoretical fastest time is, I don't think it could ever be on the leaderboards. because pay to win would be involved. Glitches aren't really allowed either because KI doesn't want us using them (as in KI could ban you for wrong warping for example). Co-op I suppose "maybe" could be a thing, but if it did, I would likely set it up like this: All players start fresh, all players screens are present in the video at once, the run ends when every player finishes the corresponding end task, and co-op runs would be separated from non co-op runs.

ItzGray, S4mWell, und Malamber gefällt das.
Thread: Wizard101

Certain other run types have been considered and added over the years, but Arc1% has been one that seemed pretty out of reach. For one, assisted runs can't really be added because it would essentially just be other people spamming someone through each world, and possibly with lore cards or crowns equipment or all sorts of other, special equipment or cards that take a lot of time and effort to receive, outside of the run time (basically pay to win in speedrunning). Plus, you wouldn't really be speedrunning in that case, in my opinion. It would be more like someone else is carrying you through the game. Another reason too is that if the solo rules were kept in place, it would take someone over 24 hours to complete, which can put a person's health at risk. Someone ran it a while back and got around 40 something hours I believe, 12ish on just dragonspyre I think. I've thought about letting people pause mid run and come back, provided they can show nothing changed, but for now that hasn't been necessary. It would also open up the possible risk of people putting multiple runs together in one video, and calling it one run. The closest other, longer runs have probably come is the possibility of a PyramidofFire% or outright Krokotopia%. Though soloing the dungeons can cause issues, especially as an underleveled storm. Beyond them though, idk how much more viable the other worlds would be. Especially if they had to be done all in one sitting. I hope this helps clear things up :)

Thread: Wizard101

Regarding runs that now have longer times, all older runs for that category would likely become invalid as a result, because those times could now be impossible. So some categories may need to be reset as a result.

Thread: Wizard101

Hello there. There is no official discord, yes. Some people have joined my discord in the past to discuss wizard101 speedrunning https://discord.gg/AQ5aP9f but it is more for general gaming discussions or my personal livestreams.

Thread: Wizard101

Yeah, if just skipping it doesn't count, then it's really just spamming in an on rails section and hoping the last loading screen isn't too long.

Thread: Wizard101

No problem! Always happy to hear new ideas.

Thread: Wizard101

I wouldn't say that could be a real category, given the extreme length of the game (one person did an Arc1% once and it took almost 40 hours). Esp with the current ruleset and ever expanding length of the game. Plus, anytime the game would get longer, it would invalidate all older runs, as they would no longer beat the whole game anymore. So while that kind of run could be a fun experiment (NOT done in one sitting though), I don't think it could be a full fledged category sadly.

Thread: Wizard101

Dungeon runs have been discussed before, but they do raise a number of questions compared to the current runs that exist. Firstly, the same rules of "you have to do it alone" and "no crowns items" do still apply. But given certain cards you can obtain via paying (such as lore cards) and types of pets, does bring up a questionable grey area as well. On top of that, the most ideal run would in theory be only possible with a maxed character (gear and level wise, of which both can change with updates) of a certain school. Which is much harder for people to be able to run than everyone simply starting from scratch. The idea of the best possible run being locked off in that way, just doesn't seem very fair imo. I think everyone should have an equal shot when doing a w101 run, to get WR. So that all together makes it much harder to make dungeon runs a thing.

Thread: Wizard101

Regarding your points, first I'll say that crowns items will never be allowed for any speedrun. Introducing any potential pay to win element into speedruns wouldn't be fair imo. The only exception to this I would say is using a crowns pet for WotNP% because it changes nothing in that category, since it's just a pet obstacle course. And probably 40% mounts, since you can get those with gold (as long as they don't have additional stats that is). If max runs were to be allowed, you would have to use non crowns gear and pets. It's possible lore cards may also be banned for the same reason, but I can't say for certain because it IS possible to earn them without paying, though the odds are very low. In terms of separating the leaderboard by school, that was brought up by another speedrunner in the past and the compromise for that idea was adding school variables to each run. This way people can filter by school if they want to see who was the best by school and overall. Having a separate category for every school would be too messy. While I realize some schools may always be better over others, I would just say that's the nature of speedrunning, where people will choose the better options to do these runs. I know this would be more of a problem with max speedruns as opposed to any category now since everyone starts fresh, but there's not really anything else that could be done about that.

bo552 gefällt das.
Thread: Wizard101

To be honest, I don't think any run including the use of crowns items could be made into a category, simply because it makes the run pay to win. I don't think it would be fair to have speedrun categories that can be influenced by how much money someone puts into the game. People have talked about dungeon runs with max characters before, but those also pose some of their own issues as well. That's part of why all seven runs so far require a fresh character, minus WotNP%, due to how it will always be the same regardless of which pet you use.

Thread: Wizard101

The idea of a Krokotopia% has been tossed around before, but has not yet been made. If done though, it likely would retain all the same rules from previous runs, starting from the character creation screen and ending once the person would have to go to marleybone (like receives the quest to go there). The thing to keep in mind though is you can't actually do story quests in krok unless you're level ten or higher (so doing some sides in wizard city would be needed) and you'd have to do all dungeons solo. It would be hard, but its not impossible. Right now there is no run for it, but if you wanted to try running it to see how it would be, you're welcome to try. You'd just have to time it and send me a link after. Given how long that kind of run would be though, you'd have to expect me to take a little while on reviewing it however. As mickey said as well, sending the link through my discord would be easy as well if you did try running it.

Sophia_Coin und I4Matthew gefällt das.
Thread: Wizard101

I would say no to Castle Tours because of the potential crowns infused nature of it, but if you want to buy your own tapestry with gold, I'd say that's okay. However you can't use a different mount from the broom you get from Rattle. Every run you use a mount in says the only one you can use is the 20% broom you get from rattle. I honestly disagree with this rule, since you can buy mounts with gold legit or get one as a rare drop (which I have during a run before and couldn't use due to the rules) but that rule was put into place for the runs before I became the current mod for this speedrun page. So it remains in place.

Thread: Wizard101

In terms of Smiths%, it would just be WC% with smiths added as a secondary objective, since you'd need to beat all of wizard city to get to them anyways. With Colossus%, same situation. As for your recording issues, you'd have to have the timer, game and recording device all going at the same time so things are accurate. Adding the timer in later could cause discrepancies. Like Mickey said, I recommend lowering your video recording settings and game detail. It may not look as pretty but as long as I can tell what's going on, you'd be good

Thread: Wizard101

Don't know if that's possible honestly :/

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