Ontario, Canadatiggz167 years ago

Hi ButWhyMrManFTW,

I've looked into the situation after watching "adds" video regarding Crafterlegend1's cheating suspicion; there will be no punishment. His run "Skylands Disruptor '1:00.9'" featured a few timing mishaps, a slowed timer, and he didn't enter the beacon. I have commented on Crafterlegend1's video regarding a few guidelines that everyone should follow. In the future, if you have any suspicion's regarding players in this community, it would be much appreciated if you would directly contact a moderator, rather than creating a video which not only hates on his channel in virtually every way but also spotlights what very well could have been a one-time mishap...not to mention that most of your facts were substantially inflated.

Thanks, Tiggz

Ontario, Canadatiggz167 years ago

This argument was settled - thank goodness.

Ontario, Canadatiggz167 years ago

Thread locked ~ Concerns addressed.

Ontario, Canadatiggz167 years ago

Through Hell, Leaper and Through Hell Leaper.

Ontario, Canadatiggz167 years ago

Already thought of that. It would simply increase inaccuracy, as when you hit the wall, you begin to fall...that would just be misleading as it could be seen as movement forwards tbh. Unless we make everyone play with f3 open ;)))))).

Ontario, Canadatiggz168 years ago

After a civilized conversation with DaFatMan, Minorscode was introduced to the truth of what has occurred recently regarding the Autojump debate & came to the conclusion that Autojump would benefit the community in a prodigious way; bringing more people into the game. Nice try, Thunder. It was a good argument. https://gyazo.com/0ed43ad85123958d6da2af94f8a2f04e

Ontario, Canadatiggz168 years ago

I would love to see the entire conversations from you guys. Just curious of the dialogue.

Ontario, Canadatiggz168 years ago

Strawpolls don't make entire decisions; it's so easy for them to become inaccurate from things like VPN's, people not voting on their own opinion, and people have not even voted and thus their opinion would not be counted. Hopefully that cleared some stuff up for you, Thunder.

Ontario, Canadatiggz168 years ago

Hello there,

Over the past few days on the Dragon Escape forums, there has been some debating going on about whether or not Autojump, a feature in Minecraft versions 1.10+ should be allowed in speedruns. There have been some arguments made for both sides, and a strawpoll gathering the opinion of some Dragon Escape speedrunners.

The reasons why Autojump should be disallowed: Must play on Minecraft version(s) 1.10+, it makes boosts really easy (not entirely true), and skill would no longer be required to be good at the game (not entirely true). Some people don’t like Minecraft versions 1.10+ as it has a different form of PvP, this argument is invalid as it takes just 1-3 minutes to close & reopen Minecraft on a different version. Boosts aren’t necessarily easier, and lots of skill is still required with Autojump, as Autojump can be difficult to control, and can often be really quick if you're not careful.

The reasons why Autojump should be allowed: It’s a built into the game feature, it’s an assistance for those of lesser skill, it allows for more people to become better at the game, with at least slightly easier slab boosts. Removing a built into the game feature would essentially be the same as banning fancy graphics as some cannot run fancy graphics at a playable frame rate, meaning they cannot partially see through the leaf block. It’s simply unethical. It’s an assistance for those of lesser skill. There are evidently people out there who struggle with things like the stairs on Through Hell, the slabs on Into The Jungle, and so on. Autojump would be a ticket to those early speedrunners who still have difficulties. It allows for more people to become better at the game! This community has evidently shrunk and is still shrinking in size, I think one of the main issues for this is that people are having difficulty with all the boosts these days. Autojump at least slightly increases the ease of slab boosting, especially for those of lesser skill.

Despite the “majority” of the strawpoll voters voting for Autojump to be banned, there simply wasn’t enough reasoning, valid reasoning to be specific to back up their opinion(s). Not to mention, despite over 30 voters, only two people actually shared their view on Autojump. If those “reasons” were all they had, that’s not very convincing. Despite fewer votes for allowing Autojump, there were more supporters communicating, and providing reasons. Reasons that were mostly valid.

To conclude, after careful consideration of all factors, the Moderators of Dragon Escape have come to a conclusion for this monstrosity of a debate. Autojump will be allowed as there was insufficient evidence, and reasoning to back up the opinion(s) of those who voted for Autojump to be disallowed. For full details, please go to the following link: http://www.speedrun.com/Dragon_Escape/thread/50rcx

If there are any further questions or concerns, please post them. We will address them as best we can.

Regards, Tiggz.

Pyxelated und Maax gefällt das.
Ontario, Canadatiggz168 years ago

Please, for everyone who voted no on the Strawpoll. Provide your reasoning as soon as possible! Poll ends & final decision will be made at 10pm (GMT-05:00) TONIGHT!! There are currently ZERO valid reasons for why Autojump should be disallowed.

(So far proposed) Invalid reasons: -You need to play on 1.10+ -It makes the game easier (anything related to this one is simply invalid.)

Ontario, Canadatiggz168 years ago

Welcome back, Pyxel.

tac23tac23 gefällt das.
Ontario, Canadatiggz168 years ago

Very well written post, Craftain. However, I have noticed the possible inaccuracy of the Strawpolls for quite some time now. Just recently, however, have I became a Mod, and have begun to look deeper into every detail.

Ontario, Canadatiggz168 years ago

Are you still under the impression that a strawpoll which can easily become inaccurate is deciding whether a game changing feature is to be used or not? I understand & respect that the "majority" of the community disapproves of Autojump being allowed in runs, however, there are still many other factors to consider. My main issue with this mess is that despite over 30 votes for "No", there have still only been 3 reasons shared as to why Autojump should be disallowed, again, all of which are invalid. :/

FatMan922 gefällt das.
Ontario, Canadatiggz168 years ago

Strawpolls don't make the decision in something as game changing as Autojump, as Strawpolls are very easy to become inaccurate from VPN's, people not thinking for themselves, or people not actually seeing the strawpoll and thus their view on the matter would not be counted. It's most likely that Autojump will be allowed with the current state of this conversation, as there have only been three "reasons" as to why Autojump should be disallowed in Speedruns, all of which were simply invalid. Not to mention, if there were "32" people to vote "No" on Autojump, how come there are only two people who have said anything, anything at all about the situation? The pieces don't add up. Hence why Strawpolls are only a form of changing the Mods mind before implementation. The community is, in fact, >50% US players at the moment, so the fact that 20 votes were put in overnight after the poll had already been up for a few hours, simply doesn't make any sense. You say "if the people did want it, they would have voted yes..." as if everyone who came from your comments voted on their own accord, with their own thought out & educated opinion on the matter. Personally, I see this as being highly unlikely. It's been proven that fans tend to agree with whoever they're a fan of on almost every occasion. You, having over 500 subscribers, certainly have some fans. My point being, a strawpoll doesn't make a decision. We use strawpolls to simply gather an idea of the acceptance of the idea. We also look at things like flaws, and reasons not to add it. So far, you guys aren't doing so well with that. There may be 30+ votes for "No" in the Strawpoll, but you guys have no actual reasons for why it shouldn't be allowed. That's not very convincing if you asked me. I would be perfectly fine accepting that Autojump is simply not wanted from the community, under valid reasoning. However, until those who voted no, including yourself, are able to provide some actual reasoning behind your answer, there's a great chance Autojump is still being added. Also, keep in mind, I don't even speedrun Dragon Escape anymore. I'm trying to be as fair & reasonable as I can.

FatMan922 gefällt das.
Ontario, Canadatiggz168 years ago

Nothing is concluded. That was simply my view and opinion on the situation we have present, Maxi.

Ontario, Canadatiggz168 years ago

Put the pieces together. There are two people who have given "reasons" for why Autojump should be disallowed. Their reasons were as follows: People would need to play on Minecraft versions 1.10+, it takes away skill, and everyone can make slab boosts now. All of which are invalid reasons.

I'm absolutely not saying this is a reason, however, Thunder did in fact advertise the strawpolls on his latest video (which I support), but he also gave his choices for the polls (fans tend to vote the same as whoever they are a fan of, Thunder has fans). As Dafatman said, when we went to bed, the vote was 7/1 in favour of allowing Autojump. When we woke up, it was like 20/8 in favour of disallowing Autojump in runs. The fact that only two people are actually speaking out about why it should be disallowed is honestly somewhat concerning. It makes me think the poll was botted in favour of disallowing Autojump.

My opinion on this matter is to allow Autojump. There have been 3 reasons shared for why it should be disallowed, all of which are invalid. There are only two people actually speaking out about it. 3/3 Mods support it.

Please, anyone with any more reasons as to why it should be disallowed, speak up. We would love to hear some more reasons.

FatMan922 gefällt das.
Ontario, Canadatiggz168 years ago

Thank you for the clarification, Maximooch.

tac23tac23 gefällt das.
Ontario, Canadatiggz168 years ago

Doubtful. Especially for the time we're in. Also, it wouldn't solely be Tac getting penalised. Anyone who get's "overly powerful leaps" would be penalised.

~Thread locked, question answered & concerns addressed.

Ontario, Canadatiggz168 years ago
  1. Not always. You've proven that you're capable of performing well with digger on the occasion.

Lower ping really isn't faster than higher ping on vertical leaps (at least not all the time lol). I'm certain they're not faster on Through Hell, at least.

Keep in mind also, if there was to be a penalisation towards those with overly powerful leaps, their leaps would be compared to a perfect leap execution with around 100 ping, then the time gained (give or take .1 seconds) would simply be denied. It wouldn't be putting you at a disadvantage over others. :)

Ontario, Canadatiggz168 years ago
  1. 150 ping is A LOT for the large majority of the community (especially when the community is populated). It would simply be unethical to penalise dozens of people (again, especially when the community is populated lol) upon submission of the run because a couple of players have ping which causes a small delay.
  2. It would be far more realistic to penalise one person for having overly powerful leaps (almost no one get's ping close to "250") than it would be to penalise dozens of people for having good ping because a COUPLE people have ping which only sometimes delays them slightly.

Also, leaps affect 3 categories (Warper, Jumper (leaper) and Disruptor.) Digger affects one category (Digger, appropriate to the name lol)

It's far more likely that NEITHER will be put into effect, however...as some may argue these reasons as bias.

This thread will probably be locked by Saturday, btw.

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