This is about super mod 'electronicLogic' from "Barbie Horse Adventure: Wild Horse Rescue". Ive been in contact for almost 3 weeks with him going back and forth with him saying he will review my run only to then not do it. He is now officialy considered inactive according to this pages first point: " Moderators are considered inactive if they have not logged on or verified a pending run in at least 21 days. ".
Ive asked him to make me mod to actually look through submitted runs with enough knowledge to verify the legitimacy to only not getting a respons. Despite all this he has also admitted to verifying a run without looking through it.
Therefor i guess im requesting mod of the game section and removal of inactive supermod 'electronicLogic' for also ruining the integrity of speedrunning by accepting runs without verification and failing to keep promises made in DMs therefor failing to communicate.
[DMs and other necessities will be sent on request if needed. (to not spread drama for no reason if that becomes the case)]