Hesse, Germanyph1l4 years ago

See Title.

I think with this new Update, there opens up a completely new Categorie.

Hesse, Germanyph1l9 years ago


just asking, if there are any available Splits for Livesplit :) Didn't found anything on, so I'm asking the pros :)

Thanks in Advance


Hesse, Germanyph1l9 years ago


are there gonna be new Guides anytime soon? Or something about the new RNG Manipulation?

Question: How do you gonna find such stuff? Are you playing with Bizhawk and opened Ramwatch? How do you now, what codes you have to watch? I would love to help here.


Hesse, Germanyph1l9 years ago

Greetings fellow Speedrunners,

I'm going to buy a SNES Console in the near future. Though I'm living in Germany, a Pal one would be better for me. The Problem here is, the most SNES Games are Speedrun on NTSC Versions. If I would buy a Pal-to-NTSC Adapter, would the Adapter made the game more sloppy? Input Delays or something like that? I'm very interested in this, to get my old snes back, that I sadly sold at the age of 12 to get a PS1...shame on me, I know.

Thanks for your time


Hesse, Germanyph1l9 years ago


I hope, there is anyone active in here xD I loved Secret of Mana as a Child, I played very very much. After seeing some Runs, I finally decided, that I'll try SoM and play it first casually, learning the Game again and the whole lot of Glitches that is there in SoM. There are some Questions here from my Side: First: I don't want to directly adapt to the WR Strat. I want to find my Own Route. Whats the best way to do that on a Game, big as SoM? Do I just start the Game, play it and cut it in different Parts, where I then can route these Parts?

Second: The Glitches. There are a few of Glitches used to Speedrun SoM. I allready got the Money Glitch working, but I don't really understand the Equipment Trashing Glitch. Like I saw in a run, this Glitch is used to get more Walnuts throuhg destroying not used Equipment. Because I have to Walnuts in my Stash, this would give my allways 16 Walnuts without buying some new. Also, the Knowledge Base of SDA doesn't have a proper explanation about that.

Third: I got a Question about the beginning of the Game, which seems to be different through Versions. I first started with the German and European Version. As soon, as I leave the Water Temple to go to the Canoli Brothers to get to the Navael Ressort (The Dwarven thing xD) I just get the Message, that Viktor (the Knight from the Beginning) had taken care of my flight to the Watertemple. If I now do the same on the US version, I can normally fly to the Navael Spot. This seems to be a big difference in Route here. Are there more differences like that in the Versions?

For Speedrunning SoM: Are there Emulators not allowed? I'm currently playing with the snesx9

Greetings, ph1l and sorry for my bad English.

petaQ gefällt das.
Hesse, Germanyph1l9 years ago

Good Morning everyone :)

two Weeks ago, I decided to start Speedrunning (after watching "The Best of NES" xD). I thought, that it couldn't be that hard. Oh man, was I wrong. The first hard decision for me to make was: What game do I start with? I figured it out (asked a lot of People, got many good advices and such), but couldn't decide quite on the right Game for me. So I started with one of the Games, I loved playing as a young Kid: Pokémon Red/Blue. Mode: Any% Glitchless. I watched some runs, got some tools, set up my Stream, read through the Guide and all. But in the End I was just humilated by the Time and all the stuff, you have to take care of WHILE Speedrunning.

I started with a Casual run and resetted about 20 Times allready, before I got the first Part (if anyone knows this game, the first Part for me is defeating Brock, the first Gym Leader) correct. I got a bit frustrated by the many Encounters I got, even if I run a good route. I got frustrated maaany many times, as I wasn't able to get a good Nidoran, or even wasn't able to get a Nidoran on the first try like I allways saw in the best Runs.

I finally have to admit: Speedrunning issn't that easy as I thought. Why do I post this? It's a Thread for new Speedrunners, FROM a new Speedrunner. If you truly want to start Speedrunning, here are some tips: When you picked your Game, take your time. Read EVERYTHING you can find and make your OWN strategy. Don't just rerun that runs, you saw, try something on your own. Time - You need lots of it if you didn't pick a Game, where the fastest Speedrun is at about 10 Minutes or such (Pokémon Red/Blue is at about one Hour, 50 Seconds). You should take this Time for you only, don't get distracted by friends, family or stuff like that. Just take your time. If you do Casual Runs, also take your time. Try to do the route, you have in your mind, but don't rush it at first. Just get the feeling for it and if you restart, do it a bit faster. In this way, it's better for your Muscle Memory, to memorize every step to take. You won't be able, to do a perfect run in the first few weeks (especially not, if you are playing an RPG with so much RNG like Pokémon xD). If you do Casual Runs: save a lot. Split your game in different Parts. Learn these parts one after another. Let's take Shovel Knight as an example here and not Pokémon Red/Blue: Shovel Knight is an really good, but also hard, Jump'n'Run. I really love this Game, but it is hard as fuck if you wan't to Speedrun it and haven't really played it before. After watching some runs, I came with a plan for myself: First, learn the Movement. Second, learn the Maps and the routes to run. Third, learn to fight the bosses real fast. So the first part of this is for me, to learn the Movement. I just have to get comfortable with that. But you can't just stand at one point and jump 5 Million Times, you will just do it wrong when you are in the open field. So every Level I do, I start with some jumping around to get a feeling for the Jumps and then run it. I allways skip all Checkpoints, so that if I die, I can start from the beginning. With that in mind, I can allways run the complete Map and get better at every section of this. In terms of Pokémon, I would say it that way: Part One: Everything till you finished the fight against Brock. Part two: Everything till you finished Misty. Conclusion: I save after the fight against Brock if I'm comfortable with the outcome and the Time.

One big tip I can give you all: Start getting comfortable with Livesplit or stuff like that. Also, get comfortable streaming live, if you decide on streaming and not on YouTube.

So, I hope I could give something back with this thread to this great Community (one of the best I've ever seen in my Life, and I just started Speedrunning!).

Layzewulf gefällt das.
Hesse, Germanyph1l9 years ago

Greetings :)

I got two quick Questions:

For the ByeGarage% Run, are Mods allowed, like the Percentage Slider Mod?

When I start the Game, the Welcome Message Pop Ups and I have to start the Timer. But after the Welcome Message, there are several Different Messages popping up, like which Save I want to overwrite. Is there a way to avoid this?

Hesse, Germanyph1l9 years ago

Greetings :)

Quick Question (I didn't found anything about that :/ ): What/How is the "best" way to configure LiveSplit? I had no problem with Setting Hotkeys and using them (although I don't understand them exactly atm xD), but thats it. I tried it by doing a "Game Dev" Speedrun, but don't know if it works correctly. Are there any Tutorials or stuff like that?

Hesse, Germanyph1l9 years ago

Greetings fellow Speedrunners,

I'm totally new to Speedrunning and I want to start with this Game :) My Aim is to do a Any% Glitchless Run for the beginning, because my Aim is to do any Games, I speedrun, Glitchless.

So, to start I'm asking for your Help :) What is a good Way to start a Pokemon Red/Blue Speedrun? I'm getting one of the recommended Emulators and the respecting ROM (which one should I take? Red or Blue or doesn't that matter which one?). The Next Step would be, to watch a Speedrun (WR or such) and then do a Casual Run by myself. A list would look like that:

  • Getting everything setup
  • Watching Runs / Making notes
  • Do Casual Runs
  • Do Speedrun

I got one Question: Is there only a "One-Segment" Run or can I also do Segmented Runs? Or doesn't that work because the Timer used is the Ingame Timer?

With kind Regards, Philipp And Sorry for my bad English.

Hesse, Germanyph1l9 years ago

Greetings fellow Speedrunners :)

My name is Philipp, I'm 31 Years old, and I got hooked on Speedrunning since I've watched the NES Marathon this Weekend. For all of my Life I've playing Games, most of them I didn't even finished because I have waaaay to many Games (my Steam Library is at about 260 Games xD). I mostly love playing Retro RPGs like Secret of Mana, Lufia and stuff. Yesterday, I thought a lot about what Game I should start with, and in the end, my decision ended to be Pokemon Red/Blue Any% Glitchless.

My Aim in Speedrunning is the following: Whenever I do a Speedrun of a Game, my target is to do it in the following way: Any% GLITCHLESS. I'm not a big Fan of Glitches, I know, there are some unavoidable Glitches, which I may have to do, to do a proper Speedrun, but mostly I'll try to avoid these.

In the next few Days I'll setup my Twitch Page, it's a bit outdated atm. Next Step would be, to do a casual run of Pokemon Blue :)

See ya soon and sorry for my bad English :)

MASH und Sebelino gefällt das.
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