Thread: QWOP
NetherlandsmadnessHank2 years ago

That's a great idea. Do we need to retime some of the older records that were timed using the old method?

Miroku369 gefällt das.
Thread: QWOP
NetherlandsmadnessHank3 years ago

That's a great change. It will get rid of the confusion that some people might have.

gunmaneko und Miroku369 gefällt das.
Thread: QWOP
NetherlandsmadnessHank3 years ago

That seems like a great idea! It will make it easier to switch the versions.

Miroku369 gefällt das.
Thread: QWOP
NetherlandsmadnessHank3 years ago

I looked into the categories and it seems we are only to label based on console, so it's not possible to have a Flash and a HTML5 category. Some games do have sub categories like this: 100 meters | 10 meters flash / html5 | flash / html5

I have no clue on how to set this up though. I tried multiple times, but I can't find it.

It's probably the best to keep it as it is right now.

Miroku369 gefällt das.
Thread: QWOP
NetherlandsmadnessHank3 years ago

Great job. That seems like a nice idea to separate the versions. Is there a big difference on the two versions that one of the two has a faster time? It's also possible to add a version label to the runs.

The super mario 64 record list also has missing videos: https://www.speedrun.com/sm64/run/nz1vdwze It's probably the bestto to just let the records stay on the ranking, but maybe have a discussion if it's a run that's on the top of the list.

Miroku369 gefällt das.
Thread: QWOP
NetherlandsmadnessHank3 years ago

I changed some sentences in the rules, but overal the translation was pretty good. It was good enough to understand the rules of the run. Most of my changes were based on making the text a bit easier to read and flow a bit better.

Miroku369 gefällt das.
Thread: QWOP
NetherlandsmadnessHank3 years ago

I trust you on going through the review process for this run. It's a bit difficult to double check everything for me. Also because I'm not familiar with the Japanese language.

I've read this message after approving your record. Feel free to do any changes, but I trust you on this one.

Thread: QWOP
NetherlandsmadnessHank3 years ago

It's ok. I've added you as a moderator and also added the 42.195 km category. Feel free to change anything about it and add the rules.

Miroku369 gefällt das.
Thread: QWOP
NetherlandsmadnessHank3 years ago

I can only make you a moderator if you have "Require e-mail authentication" in your settings. I'll be glad to add the marathon category to the page. I will be adding it tomorrow.

Miroku369 gefällt das.
Thread: QWOP
NetherlandsmadnessHank4 years ago

That's amazing. I can set up a category for a full marathon. I can also add you as a moderator to this game if you're interested. Do you think there will be other runners for this category?

Miroku369 gefällt das.
Thread: QWOP
NetherlandsmadnessHank4 years ago

Fair point. The real 100m records are already tracked by World Athletics. Sorry for the miscommunication. I removed the categories from the page. Usain Bolt is welcome to try for a QWOP record though.

I might consider open a 100 meters category with a hurdle at 50 meters if people are actually doing attempts at that, because that doesn't exist as an official Olympics record, but I doubt that would actually happen.

Miroku369 gefällt das.
Thread: QWOP
NetherlandsmadnessHank4 years ago

The Real Life category is indeed based on running on a real track. It's similar to the Pencil Sharpening Simulator Real Life records: https://www.speedrun.com/pss

I do agree on that it's not really a "QWOP". Maybe we can have a disussion on having the "In Real Life" categories or removing them.

Thread: QWOP
NetherlandsmadnessHank4 years ago

That's a good idea. I added 2 new categories. One with a hurdle and one without. It's kinda the same as just running 100 meters like in the olympics though. So I wonder how many people would actually run these categories.

Thread: JFK Reloaded
NetherlandsmadnessHank5 years ago

Too bad it had to go this way, but good working on your side @Dweather.

Thread: JFK Reloaded
NetherlandsmadnessHank5 years ago

We could do a voting to add someone as a mod to this game. I am up for retiming everything and adding new categories, but I'm sure there are other people that could do the same. Anyone else interested in being a mod for this game?

Thread: JFK Reloaded
NetherlandsmadnessHank5 years ago

The only person that can change anything to the page is @Derpeth. I understand that he could miss all these messages, as I also only see this when I'm on this website. Or someone else has to be promoted to mod.

Thread: QWOP
NetherlandsmadnessHank5 years ago

I'm not really active on discord. This community isn't really big, so I don't know if people would use it.

My tactic in this game is to just hold "w and o" and then switch that up with "q and p". I'm not a great runner by any means.

Thread: JFK Reloaded
NetherlandsmadnessHank6 years ago

What about a category where you have to shoot the hat of Jackie without killing her? And/Or the hats of all the police officers.

Thread: QWOP
NetherlandsmadnessHank7 years ago

I could add a category for the mobile version if you are interested in running that one, but you might be better off as setting it as a separate game though. I also don't know if a lot of people will run it. The Android and IOS games aren't that popular on this site and It's also a paid game.

Thread: Bowman 2
NetherlandsmadnessHank7 years ago

I personally use the "Jump to time" plugin for VLC player. You can also use other programs like sony vegas for this. First I go to the frame where the screen goes from the menu to the game and use that as the start time. Then I will go to the frame when the camera moves from the opponent to the player and use that as the end time.

The total time is the end time - the start time.

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