Japankagetar01 year ago

Everything is now at 100%!

SPZ seems to get to 100% if you complete 'all challenges'.

I had missed the challenge in Capital City...

Cubes have nothing to do with showing 100% in the game.

But I think collecting all the cubes is good to implement for the 100% category in Speedrun.

Japankagetar01 year ago

The game version has changed, so the problem may have been fixed!

It seems that SPZ requires all challenge areas to be completed.

I think Speedrun's 100% category should include collecting all the cubes.

I asked if you knew about this.

Thanks for the reply, I'll try and get back to you!

jphpue gefällt das.
Japankagetar01 year ago

All cubes were recovered, but the SPZ did not reach 100%.

We have made an addition to the description of the 100% category.

(Wrote on Google document).

Is there a place in Durbin to get it from Dr,Dhelton and Ann DROID?

I found one place but can't find another...

Japankagetar01 year ago

I see.

It would be better to get an airwalk, so it could end up being faster.

I'll try running Any% and NG+ a few times for starters.

As for what happens after I finish with the boss, I will try different things!

jphpue gefällt das.
Japankagetar01 year ago

After fighting the boss, I believe you will receive a story text.

More to the point, a new attack? You will get the

In NG+, you will get a motion to acquire it even though you already got it.

In Any%, I think you have to watch the story text.

But in NG+, I thought it was ok to voluntarily go back to the stage select from the menu the moment you give the boss the last attack.

Sorry if I didn't get the message across....

If you didn't understand, please let me know.

I will explain it in a video next time.

jphpue gefällt das.
Japankagetar01 year ago

Yes, I think most people start in NG+ with the airwalk acquired.

I think that would allow for lots of shortcuts.

However, considering the time it takes to acquire airwalks in Any%, I think it would be faster not to acquire airwalks in the current situation.

As a result, I think there will be many places where shortcuts cannot be taken.

It's a very personal opinion, but I think it's okay to think about it after people want to challenge glitchless.

I don't think I would challenge glitchless for now.

Japankagetar01 year ago

100% rule, I think is good!

I think the number of cubes is also correct!

I don't think store upgrades need to be included.

I don't think glitchless should be made until we find something that changes the time significantly, in my opinion.

(like flying through the air... or through walls...)

jphpue gefällt das.
Japankagetar01 year ago

As I experiment with various things, I will write what I think should be added.


You are not allowed to start each stage from a checkpoint.

After defeating the boss of each stage, you may return to the stage select screen from the menu.

I also added this to the Google docs!

jphpue gefällt das.
Japankagetar01 year ago

When I have time, I will try to know once what I think is 100%.

(It may be a little later, but I'll give it a shot)

You are right about the Pink Gate challenge.

There are 3 in each stage (one on each level).

There are a total of 5 stages, so there are 15 pink challenges.

If you include Intro, then there are 16.

I think there is one Ann DROID challenge in each stage.

There was none for Intro and Dr,V.

Sword enhancement, spinning attack, dash attack, aerial attack.

In addition to that, maybe there is a challenge for Dr,Shelton.

(Maybe it's something to be done in the storyline)

Aerial dash, double jump, enhanced charge shot...

One more thing I forgot...


I noticed that you misspelled the game title...

Proto "t "roid DeLTA

Maybe if you contact the team at Speedrun.com they can fix it.

Japankagetar01 year ago

I have finished playing the game.

I thought about the categories.

I thought it would be nice to be able to describe the rules more carefully.


If you agree, I would like you to reflect it in SR.C.

If it is too hard, I will do it if you give me moderator privileges.


I thought of other ideas such as "All Challenge Area" but have not put them together.

Should it be just the pink challenge area?

I am wondering if I should include the area where you can get techniques from Ann DROID.

jphpue gefällt das.
Japankagetar01 year ago

Thank you for all your thoughts.

Anyway, I will try it once!

I also have some personal thoughts on the categories.

I'll share them in another forum when I get them together.

Japankagetar01 year ago

Thanks for the reply.

As it stands, I thought about manually pausing the timer when the screen goes dark and restarting it when the background music starts playing, but would that make the moderator's job harder?

I am also a moderator on another game and have been trying to create a load remover but have not figured it out yet.

If I am able to complete it I will share the information!

I will play with the production version first!

jphpue gefällt das.
Japankagetar01 year ago

I played the Demo and enjoyed it so much that I am planning to try Speedrun after purchasing the full version.

As this is a PC game, it is possible that there will be differences in loading times.

Is there any possibility of creating/introducing Loadremover in the future?

Japankagetar01 year ago


You are the President!

AtomicGH gefällt das.
Japankagetar01 year ago

Hi! I'm looking at it.

Japankagetar01 year ago
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Japankagetar01 year ago

I was just thinking that I needed to reorganize my categories as well. Could you please let me know what categories you have in mind, if you don't mind?

I'm Japanese, so I use "DeepL". Sorry if there is something wrong with the text.

Thread: Excite Truck
Japankagetar01 year ago

No response from the moderator and I can't send a message, so I will try to apply directly to the SRC.

Thread: Excite Truck
Japankagetar01 year ago

Three months ago I asked you to create a new category, but there has been no action. If you grant me moderator privileges, I will try to organize the categories.

I would like to share the categories I currently have in mind.

  1. Beat Excite (B-Rank / S-rank)
  2. Beat Super Excite (B-Rank / S-rank)
  3. Beat Mirror (B-Rank / S-rank)
  4. All Course [Super Excite / Mirror] (B-Rank / S-rank)
  5. Beat Challenge [Normal / Hard / All] (B-Rank / S-rank)
  6. All Tutorial
  7. All Games(B-Rank / S-rank)

If you agree with the above categories, please LIKE. If you have any questions about the category rules, etc., please write I will answer.

On a different note, if we created an "Excite Truck" and "Excitebots" Discord server, would you join?

Akuretaki und Gamebuster1990 gefällt das.
Thread: Excite Truck
Japankagetar02 years ago

Hi. I am newly planning to try this game speedrun. But it is difficult to do "Beat Super Excite" out of the blue. So I have a category suggestion.

①「Beat Excite」 Start from a new file. Complete the Platinum Cup in Excite difficulty as fast as possible. This requires completing all Excite difficulty races with an B-Rank or higher.

Time starts when you confirm the name of the file you want to use. Time ends when you cross the finish line on the last course of Platinum with enough points to receive a B-Rank.

②「All Tutorial」 Start with a new file. Time to complete all tutorials.

The time starts when the file name to be used is confirmed. The timer stops the moment the last tutorial is cleared.

A video proving that all tutorials have been cleared is required.

I watched your recording video. The timer stop timing seemed uneven. How about making the timer stop "the moment the rank is displayed" on the final course for both "Beat Super Excite" and the proposed "Beat Excite?"

If it is too much trouble to investigate the records, I will do it if I can get moderator authority. In that case, I will make any changes to the rules after I have you all check them.

I use "Deep L" because I am Japanese. Sorry if it is a strange sentence. Thank you.

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