Illinois, USAjeez05 months ago

We've expanded the categories to include nightmare 1p and 2p glitchless, and cata 1p and 2p glitchless. Runs have been moved around. Please reply or resubmit if you feel your run is in the wrong category. Any% runs will need to include some sort of out of bounds or skip a portion of the stage.

Illinois, USAjeez07 years ago

sorry for the late response. I dont believe there is any real difference from xbox to pc, besides all the mods pc has available. I wouldnt have any problem verifying your runs from xbox gameplay. Good luck

Illinois, USAjeez07 years ago
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Illinois, USAjeez08 years ago

Me and roar talk about how all the times are just blah, because the RNG dream will trump all. Speed potions are the ultimate time save and the game is already full of RNG. Its a good thought, but its the only really helpful RNG u get. If we are trying to post the fastest times possible.

We could make a new category or something, but once we start filling the game with modded times you have to have or it invalidates your speedrun. The doors to the community are gonna slam on newcomers. Im very open to what others think tho.

Illinois, USAjeez08 years ago

Yah we have talked in the speed run discord https://discord.gg/z3GygZ5 about using mods, but the problem atm is all the mods come in bundles full of cheats. Once 1.6 comes out we will have to see what the bare bone mod looks like and how it changes the game. If we could get simple non bundled mods I dont have anything against it.

I don't think fatsharks stance on mods will ever change tho, and if we want to work with them (ala a speedrun build) this is kinda the wrong step.

Illinois, USAjeez08 years ago

hello I just thought we should start discussing any% and 1.5. The patch is right around the corner, and the any% routes are taking a huge hit. Rumor has it you can still play on 1.5, if you'd like to put up any% runs, if you back up your 1.5 game directory. Some other steps included but more on that later. I feel any% routes should all be on 1.5 because wall climbing and other tricks alter routes drastically, unless new tech is found. Which brings me to glitchless runs and 1.6. I think we should be open to a 1p and 2p category for glitchless runs as 1.6 releases. A great deal of players are coming in and setting times. Would like them to feel welcome as the patch becomes available. Any% should be open to fastest time always first regardless of patch. If we start allowing 1.5. Glitchless would always be on the current patch. Thoughts?

Illinois, USAjeez08 years ago

Im taking a step back from the flying. I feel it changes way to much. Even being able to do it 3 times opens so much. Since only 5 some people actually do it that play the game, and none of them have made any attempt to share the absolute bonker completion times. I dont want to push new speedrunners away with a near impossible trick. But yes I will look into updating the rules somethings need to be made clear. Like boons, macro, mods, whats a glitch n whats not for glitchless%

Illinois, USAjeez08 years ago

haha I really dont understand what you want I guess. There has been cata and 100% categories on this site before forever with no interest so they got removed. Do you want me to make a rule list for them? Is that the problem? I don't think you read my first post the intention was always to change the categories.

Illinois, USAjeez08 years ago

U post "hey i have videos for so n so runs is that a category?" and it probably will be.

Illinois, USAjeez08 years ago

Thats alot of categories w no runs in them. If runs are submitted. Talking 2 jsat about rules for true solo but idk if he will submit videos. No skips n such. 1p w bots is the fastest way to do many levels any%. They r differnt beasts i feel.

Illinois, USAjeez08 years ago

Hey I really feel like we should simplify the categories currently to 2 categories. 1p nm any%, co-op nm any%, and try to move on from that point maybe adding cata or book times. The "glitchless" category works I guess, but with the new patch coming out all the runs are gonna turn pretty "glitchless." Id say if u want to run "glitchless" just wait til 1.6 some tricks aren't getting removed but all are pretty ez to learn. The "glitchless" category should just be put to any% co-op cause any videos put out on the latest patch automatically take top spot. The glitchless videos are decent place holders for base times for people to shoot for without skips, but as the game has patched they are pretty irrelevant. Unless someone actually has interest in running "glitchless" routes on 1.5. Although some stages in 1.5 only have incredibly hard, lucky, and inconsistent skips so most likely its always faster to run them "glitchless" especially if your running the full game.

I have no problem with a nm or cata skipless co-op category tho if it is actually ran.

Just my thoughts currently would love to hear what you guys think.

I can understand the want for a 2p category, and I think some stages are just easier with 2p. Idk tho most speedrun communities Ive looked over only delineate 1p from co-op. I don't see a problem with adding a 2player category tho just because I feel you would get so many more submissions as most everyone has 1 person to play with.

Illinois, USAjeez08 years ago

The host is the one with the crown in there picture during gameplay, but yah I agree noone is saying you are scripting any of it, but just like the flamewave video. Neone new watching the video is gonna be like oh whats that now i need Iamlupo mod. durka durka. You can inject scripts to push all your procs to 99% speed pots etc. Itd be tragic if thats the way the speed records go. If you really need a mod to restart faster keep it outta the vids my only advice.

Illinois, USAjeez08 years ago

There is no anticheat, but blatantly showing that your running mods that can drastically alter the game. I can see it causing problems. You just have to be honest. Have your host be the one streaming. I know that doesn't solve the issues here, but cheats are cheats. Sadly this is probably one of the biggest issues for this game.

Besides patches...

1.6 looks like it kills a variety of huge skips. The sad times are here. Only hope now is someone finds a way to keep this patch state, and a way to connect n play. From what I got from talking to Robin. Fatshark is about 70% sure that they will put a stable patch out, but it wont be for another 1 or 2 patches. Like 3 months. Sadly by then a large amount of the skips will just be gone. We need a hero.

Illinois, USAjeez08 years ago

Hey thanks for posting. I think there should be a 1p, 2p, 3-4p, nm, cata, and true solo cata categories, but the problem is the just sheer lack of input from people who actually run those categories. Without a starting video for each category they will just continue to not exist.

My thought on boons is how on earth are you actually going to police this. If you ban them you only see 1 characters POV each run. Its much like using dll injects in the game atm. You cant really tell someones cheating by watching a single game run. Just like you wouldnt really be able to tell if 3 of the other team members have boons. Boons only help to make every stage faster. Just my 2cents tho. I can see why you'd want to ban em, but cant see anyway of enforcing it.

Illinois, USAjeez08 years ago

Hello, Im not a mod of this page, but thanks for posting. I cant see why single player speedruns couldn't get its own category. I've done a couple quicker single player cata runs, but they are nowhere near as fast as you can do NM runs so IDK. I know there are alot of single player cata videos on youtube as well.

This game still has a ton of exploits and skips that you can do with 1 or 2 players to maximize speed, but posting any of the skips to the public. Means that the skip will die next patch.

I think speedrunning single player is a different beast all together because its more running to different bot port points to port the bots from section to section to buy you time hopefully before they die.

Id love to see a single player category. Id try to post times. Its harder and slower, but much more accessible to do. As a single player full hard run takes about 2 some hrs.

If you'd like to try to post faster times you can invite me to play. Speedrunning is the most fun i've ever had with this game.

Illinois, USAjeez08 years ago

hey reyzno quick switching weapons to cancel certain attack animation isnt anything new, but you have to really be focused on doing it over n over, and I just dont see it helping cut much time.

the duping bug has to do with anytime your character changes state about 1-2 seconds after you use your item.

the best way to do this is find a ladder, slam your potion or bomb while jumping at the ladder if u get it off right before you land on the ladder it will dupe.

You can dupe quest objective items too, but if you use any of them to complete the game the game will crash hard.

thanks for the tips

Illinois, USAjeez08 years ago

So yah every level has had minor spawn fixes/exploit removal since these videos. Globodiers have a nasty buff, beam staff nerfd, ratling gun buff.

jan 30 patch 1.1.5 - Minor bug fixes to Garden of Morr, Horn Of Magnus, Man The Ramparts, The White Rat, The Enemy Below, Smuggler’s Run & Engines of War.

mar 19 patch 1.2 last stand - Fixed a variety of level exploits (and by that they mean holy clan rat spawns)

These records are still the records, but I think you should look at new submissions cause the levels/spawns/strats on most of these levels change to patch.

Thanks again for answering my questions

Illinois, USAjeez08 years ago

what patch are these single runs on in december. are you keeping track?

So this category is the only category of running for this game because you decided? can we have more categories?

like 100% all books, cataclysm, easy?

Illinois, USAjeez08 years ago

so alot of these rules dont really have to do with speed?

putting a hacked item in makes it a must. seems dumb to force players to hack

unless you can provide links on how to obtain one easily for everyone

Illinois, USAjeez08 years ago

so what makes hard faster then easy? why go back to the inn after each map? why not use the intro move exploit? why are the single levels on nightmare and not cataclysm? or easy? hacked in weapons are okay?

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