Thread: Zoop
California, USAiriebutler5 years ago

I'm enjoying the continued Zoop hype. Keep this game alive!

Thread: Zoop
California, USAiriebutler5 years ago

Level mode (SNES) as main category is fine :)

Thread: Zoop
California, USAiriebutler5 years ago

No hard feelings mate. I ditto guardianpm, you are all Zoop prodigy's and it's been cool to see people pick the game up. Keep on Zoopin. Regarding emu's i'm fine with your suggestion stormcrow.

stormcrow56k gefällt das.
Thread: Zoop
California, USAiriebutler5 years ago

Adding stormcrow56k as mod. Seems you are aware of the differences at least in the systems, and assuming you look into it I can have my mind changed on emu as well. I'm very reasonable, I just randomly saw all this and was like wtf

Thread: Zoop
California, USAiriebutler5 years ago

I'm mildly offended at your accusations but to show that I would LOVE to see the game grow, rather defend my lack of moderating a fairly inactive game, I will add stormcrow56k as mod. I will apologize for seeing this so late, but you guys have got to look at the bigger picture and realize all this was going on without me and you are calling some grand conspiracy. I love Zoop and it hurts to see you've assumed otherwise. Good luck and cheers.

Thread: Zoop
California, USAiriebutler5 years ago

For instance, 4th place currently for level mode is played on Genesis. But it's like 2 mins off wr so the differences don't matter. It's only if you want to compete for wr where these differences make it completely unfair and pointless to use different systems

Thread: Zoop
California, USAiriebutler5 years ago

Essentially although Zoop is the same "concept" among all the systems, they are basically all completely different games. To clear up confusion, I cleaned up the mess of platforms it says underneath the game. Now it only says SNES. Sorry for any confusion.

Thread: Zoop
California, USAiriebutler5 years ago

Yes I realized very quickly when I made Zoop a speedgame that different versions of the game have different load times/music/piece count all of that, and that emulator would probably save time over non emu in all the circumstances albeit maybe be a bit harder to complete. So the game at least for wr contention is a SNES leaderboard. No emu allowed or other systems. You may still play the game no one is stopping you but the SNES version of the game is what we started with for running the game and has to stay consistent for the leaderboards. Anyway, nothing is as legit as doing Zoop runs with a SNES controller on original hardware. Thanks to TheGuardian for listing the differences so proficiently, makes it easier to show why they don't belong on the same leaderboard in the slightest.

Thread: The Site
California, USAiriebutler6 years ago

Thanks man! Sorry, excuse my lack of knowledge, that's pretty cool though. Cheers!

YUMmy_Bacon5 und Imaproshaman gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
California, USAiriebutler6 years ago

Maybe it's having a red sword instead of a green sword? Guess I never paid attention to that

YUMmy_Bacon5 gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
California, USAiriebutler6 years ago

Oh really I'm sorry I tried to check to see if I was before I asked, where do I find that information?

YUMmy_Bacon5 gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
California, USAiriebutler6 years ago

Requesting supermod for Zoop, as world record holder in both the categories. Currently I'm one of two normal mods with no Super. Thanks! https://www.speedrun.com/Zoop

YUMmy_Bacon5 gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
California, USAiriebutler6 years ago

@coolestio no problem bud, it's understandable I just didn't know what else to do. Hope all is well mate. Thanks for approving the runs

YUMmy_Bacon5 und 6oliath gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
California, USAiriebutler6 years ago

I've already tried contacting him and he seems to be MIA but thank you, he is missed cause he did a good job to start

YUMmy_Bacon5 gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
California, USAiriebutler6 years ago

Alright I added my discord and my twitch username to my profile. Hopefully I can be a mod for Zoop or find someone else willing to do the job

YUMmy_Bacon5 gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
California, USAiriebutler6 years ago

Of course. They have all the time they want. I've put out the request. I just don't want to be told to friend request and message someone that I already have tried to do

YUMmy_Bacon5 gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
California, USAiriebutler6 years ago

Oh I see. And I understand the staff have things to do. I'm saying I've tried to contact him for over a month. Today is not where it starts where I need to contact him and sort it out through him.

YUMmy_Bacon5 gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
California, USAiriebutler6 years ago

Okay I added the SRC discord. Still over a month ago I tried adding him as a friend on discord so this does not help me in the slightest. I'm waiting for someone who is inactive for over a month. How much more waiting is necessary before speedrun.com just adds another mod to the single-modded by one inactive mod game?

YUMmy_Bacon5 gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
California, USAiriebutler6 years ago

I just tried again to send Coolestto a friendly discord message. Discord did not send it because he isn't accepting messaged from people that he isn't friends with on there. I've tried all I can try. In fact it shows on discord I tried to friend request him a while back and he never accepted it. Just want a new Zoop mod

YUMmy_Bacon5 gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
California, USAiriebutler6 years ago

It's just annoying for speedrun.com to have a feature called messaging that would greatly help things like this, yet it's been "coming soon" for longer than I've been playing the game

YUMmy_Bacon5 gefällt das.
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