AustraliaiLB1 year ago

Absolutely expert, you earned this #1👍

Liyuan gefällt das.
Thread: World of Goo
AustraliaiLB1 year ago

Very nice to see this being implemented. While IGT can be calculated using GooTool (for those who have it) I'm also not 100% sure where a fade-out level ends and the chapter island begins. You could use the first frame the cursor shows up on the menu, but there may be a short pause where the chapter island loads, so IGT could potentially be slightly faster than RTA.

fade out > loading chapter island > first frame cursor appears
-------- ^------------------------^
         |                        |
    IGT captured             RTA captured

I made a run on MOM's Computer just recently, but this level just cuts to the menu instead of fades if you've played it once already.

I don't currently have v1.3 or Gootool to verify this is how the timing works, but I've added the following to the IL category rules based on your description.

I haven't played WoG in a few years before last week, and I had to figure out the preferred game setup. It's strange. If you want to get these versions here's how I did it:

1.3 can't be purchased anymore (Humble Bundle now serves 1.53), so you'll need to locate an installer . yarharrr🏴‍☠️ I got mine off Reddit. There's no copy-protection or DRM nonsense so it's easy to get running.

I managed to get GooTool running by downloading Java 8 and restarting my computer (otherwise it tries to install Java from a URL that no longer works).

Ben_eXceL gefällt das.
AustraliaiLB3 years ago

I guess we can sift thru the comments to figure out which runs have video proof (a requirement for sr.c runs)

Google translate sucks for Chinese tho X(

Thread: World of Goo
AustraliaiLB4 years ago

So, all of us are well aware that the touchscreen versions of the game differ from the ones without available touchscreens, and there needs to be differentiation between the two.

I support the proposal that the touchscreen versions become a sub-game of this one. It's not optimal, but I prefer it much better as opposed to fluffing up all the categories.

Thread: World of Goo
AustraliaiLB4 years ago

So, separating runs to use touchscreen versus ones that don't? Sounds like a good idea.

Thread: World of Goo
AustraliaiLB4 years ago

Recently I started to play the Android version of World of Goo and noticed that it is very, VERY different to the editions for PCs. Note that the worst Chapter 1 run done on PC is 14:53, while the Android run is at 21:41.

I suggest that we split the categories somehow. This has worked before with the game Gravitykour (https://www.speedrun.com/roblox_gravitykour) and it could totally work here.


Blazer88 gefällt das.
Thread: World of Goo
AustraliaiLB4 years ago

Recently I've noticed that a host of levels have time-related (e.g. get to the pipe quicker) as the OCD (100%) criteria. Should levels with this type of OCD not have their 100% category enabled? I'm getting tired of sending duplicate runs to these.

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