Colorado, USAhero_825 years ago

don't let BlackEliteJohn see this. . . you can do 2400 damage with a spark, but it has to be perfect - going through all of draygon's hitbox and starting with the slowest speed while she is the closest to you so that you stay inside for one extra frame. I think it has to do with her horizontal speed and yours. lol.

But for all intents and purpose, it's 2250 haha

precooked, UNHchabo, und OwlRTA gefällt das.
Colorado, USAhero_825 years ago

You can do a simple two tap for draygon but a stutter gives you a little more room for error. Stutter 3 will help if you are going for a 3 spark kill where you are running under her.

Croc speedway is "technically" faster but cost a pb (unless you farm below ice gates, or in the kronic boost room) and is more consistent if you can get the speed space jump strats. I find the ice escape slower and a bit more technical and for it to be faster, space jump escaping into a machball would be the preferred method over freezing the trippers and machballing. But if your pb count is good and you can do fast pillars then croc speedway is a fine way to go (plus the refill is there before LN).

Also you don't NEED to record a run to submit, but it's nice that you want to. Personally, I wish more folks did so we had less submissions w/o videos, but it's up to you!

Colorado, USAhero_825 years ago

I have a 49:56 and I was in the same boat as you so I thought I would offer my $0.02

Sounds like you have some good places to start with timesaves! If you are having problems with chain damage deaths with draygon, it might be bc you are sparking her when she is at low health. The more time you spend in her hitbox as she is dead, the more frames of dmg she can do to you, so the more health she has when you begin contact with her, the more likely you are to leave her hitbox before she starts "killing you back"

As for WRITG, a lot of top runs do use the right side freeze but the WR (KPDR) freezes the left pirate and kills the top right and lays a pb if I'm not mistaken (Jack879) using a charged upshot, then a horizontal shot and then laying the pb above the frozen left pirate. Or you can just freeze the left pirate with an angled shot and lay the pb above him and use iframes to jump through the pirate and the blocks as they break.

Grabbing the Ridley tank is a good idea, but honestly grabbing the Kraid tank also is fine until you're pushing for sub-50 really (most don't drop it until much lower than that even). 5 tanks isn't going to hurt your time (and you can even drop the Ridley tank depending on your health after his drops). Honestly, killing the three muskateers is my recommendation and with practice is only about 1 second slower than hitboxing and tanking them anyway

As for the Ridley fight, in KPDR, charged Ice Plasma Wave only is the way to go. Xfactor does 1200, but involves 2 pauses, supers do 600, but you need them for tourian, and IPW does 900. It's 30 supers and you'll likely only have a handful, and 20 IWP shots.

I've gotten pbs both with and w/o baby skip. Honestly I only go for baby skip when I'm BEHIND pace. Which kinda sucks bc that means in my next run, if I'm near that pace, I have to go for it again. Maybe just save it for when you are trying to save a pb, like when you're like 10-15 seconds behind at g4 (unless your last pb had baby skip. In which case then maybe forgo baby skip on your next run if you're like 30 seconds ahead. No point in losing a run to a failed skip!)?


precooked und Mumu_Didi gefällt das.
Colorado, USAhero_825 years ago

I would think a smart thing to do in our community would be to require input display for emulator runs with keyboard (or maybe all emu) so that it's obvious if multiple directions are mapped to the same key to gain an advantage. I don't think keyboard is an advantage in most situations; walljumping and being able to put item deselect wherever you want are the only things I can think of

Colorado, USAhero_825 years ago

I think the PS4 (and XBone and 360 controller) are fine as long as people aren't mapping multiple buttons to the shoulders. If we get into a scenario where the controller is being mapped in a way that is impossible to replicate on a SNES controller I don't think that is in the spirit of the game and should be allowed (i.e. angle up, angle down, and item cancel or dash all on the shoulders).

Excalipur2 gefällt das.
Colorado, USAhero_825 years ago

Is the PS4 going to be a viable console to run this on or will it not re-create/emulate the lag properly from the other versions? Will it have it's own category? Thanks!

Colorado, USAhero_825 years ago

oh, it's here. . . https://www.speedrun.com/smng

not under Category Extensions, but still probably a decent place to mention it in discord since it seems a bit "memey"

Colorado, USAhero_825 years ago

it might be better to ask under the Category Extensions Discord? https://discord.gg/dbYwFS

I can't even find NG+ but I thought there was a place for it already with times but I am having a rough morning.

Colorado, USAhero_826 years ago

I have run it with griffingtron but our time is garbage (1:30) but we would be willing to submit. From what I gather, once a category is up, people start running for golds lol

Ponk gefällt das.
Colorado, USAhero_826 years ago

Maybe under Co-op?

Colorado, USAhero_826 years ago

Is there any thought of adding this category to the fold? or is it too meme?

TopsyTurve gefällt das.
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