Why? So then, i will delete my self. I think you didn't understand.
Hahaha! One thing i just noticed is that you are imune! You can't die LOL, I will fix in the Halloween DLC (shhh!)
Good job too! You almost get 1st place! And one thing i forgot to put: You don't need to count the cutscene time, just if you wan't, but then in this part, i was wrong beacuse i forgot to put in the Rules tab.
Sobre la espada, no se si te diste cuenta, pero en el primer nivel eres SUPER RÁPIDO. Y en los siguientes, eres lento, es por la espada, pronto haré una actualización.
¡Guau! ¡Me has sorprendido! Lo de la espada... Estoy buscando la forma de arreglarla, ¡felicidades! Estás en primer lugar. pido disculpas por la demora
Wow! You've surprised me! About the sword... I'm looking for a way to fix it, congratulations! You are in first place.